Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
So my elevators are painted and mounted, I'm trying to balance the elevator so that it is in trail. So far I've drilled out at least a quarter of the inboard counterweight, I don't have much more for locations to drill. Still quite heavy. I'm trying hard to leave the material around the mounting bolts intact. Should I try to drill through to the outboard weight, or would it be better to chisel off the front edge of the inboard weight? Of course any other suggestions would be great.

Oh, and no I haven't the elevator horns to the pushrod, so there is nothing affecting the balance, just the single elevator on its 3 pivot points.
Sounds about right, but don't finish the balancing until after paint.
The Van's weights are sized to accomodate the electric trim servo and tab on the L side, so it's overkill for the R side.

It will look like **** after you do all the drilling, though.
Never mind

I guess I should have waited 10 more minutes. I took out a chunk of the front edge of the inboard weight and reached balance. This was the right elevator. I did the left elevator in just a few minutes, with the trim tab and servo, it only took a few holes to balance.

On to the next job.