
I'm New Here
We got officially engaged in the RV-8 at 9500' in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle while on our way to Cat Island, Bahamas where we got married. After 6 trips to Florida (from Rockford, IL) and trips to a bunch of other places, the Bahamas is the place to is God's gift to private aviation. Ignore the main tourist traps (Grand Bahama, Freeport, etc) and go to the out islands. We stayed at Fernandez Bay Village on Cat and I would highly recommend it. Flying over the Exumas is a must.....the most beautiful aerial scenery in the world. Also landed on Long Island for fuel. Can't wait to go back. See the pic's!







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Dude...stop with all the romantic stuff. You're making us all look bad. :)

Seriously....well done and congrats!

Beautiful pictures, Beautiful place. The old I get the less I like the cold.

We're (wife of 26 yrs and 2 daughters) heading there with Jim Baker and group June 2011.


Kenny Gene
294TC 7a 602 hrs (For Sale)
484TC 10 4.8 hrs
Congratulations! Looks like a great trip too :)

Almost afraid to ask, but why the blue masking tape N# in addition to the painted one?
Congratulations man!

That looks like a WONDERFUL trip! Especially considering the weather here in the midwest right now. :(

I too am quite jelous!

I'm building an 8 just up the road from you in East Troy, WI, and am about to get hitched as well!

Hopefully flying this summer, but the wedding will come before the RV is done so there'll be no duplicating your event.

Hope to bump into you and your lovely bride one day and pick your brain about trip planning from here to the Bahama's.

That kind of travel is really one of the big reasons for building.

Have fun and stay safe!
N numbers - ADIZ

Lots of good info on AOPA etc re: flying to the Bahamas IIRC.
hard to resist when it looks like that eh?
I think you can leave the mainland and almost no-one's when you try to RETURN that they want to identify you .....either at Sidewinder or closer range!? :)
I see one other benefit of being a pilot, apparently it allows you to snag a WAYYYYY better-looking mate than we could otherwise!!!

Wow! Congratulations! The nice thing about a tandem is if she would have said 'no' you could just reach over and flip the intercom off and make a 180 back to the US ;) Glad she said YES!
Thanks for sharing!