
Well Known Member
Does or will the Bahamas accept 978 UAT as an out source for ADSB as part of the 2020 mandate?
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UAT on 978 is only supported in the US, as far as I know. I don't believe the Bahamas has a requirement, at this time.
The basic concept of ADSB in the Bahamas, and some defined "requirement" makes me chuckle. Unless you're talking about Nassau (who would bother to go there?), have you seen what the rest of the towers are working with?

"Heavy 123, RV 60mi ahead, 190 miles from xyz. Make sure you maintain at least 20 miles in trail. break. RV 456, a Heavy 123 is now 55mi in trail, make sure you maintain X miles separation from that traffic until two-zero miles from the field. You are cleared to land."

There is only one answer: "RV 456, Roger." Been there, done that, more than a handful of times.

I'm not concerned with even asking about ADSB compliance :).
Our ATC doesn?t even care. I called Approach the other day for an ADS-B Check. They didn?t have a way to check & sent me to center. Called center and asked for an ADS-B check and got, ?What?s that.?
At this time, there are no ADS-B out requirements to fly to the Bahamas.
^^^ Exactly ^^^

Our ATC doesn’t even care. I called Approach the other day for an ADS-B Check. They didn’t have a way to check & sent me to center. Called center and asked for an ADS-B check and got, “What’s that.”
ATC doesn't do ADS-B "checks", Flight Standards does. You go to the web page (ADS-B Performance Report Request), provide the information and you get the report via E-mail. Since ADS-B isn't mandatory for now, there is nothing they must do. What is going to happen after the mandatory date? Your guess is as good as mine.

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ATC doesn't do ADS-B "checks", Flight Standards does. You go to the web page (ADS-B Performance Report Request), provide the information and you get the report via E-mail. Since ADS-B isn't mandatory for now, there is nothing they must do. What is going to happen after the mandatory date? Your guess is as good as mine.

I know how to get the report online. My point was that ATC doesn't even know what ADS-B is in some cases, much less do they use it for flight tracking.