Ivan Kristensen

Well Known Member
I am planning a trip to the Bahamas in late January of early Feb. time frame. I am looking for something between Nassau and Stella Maris with reasonably priced accommodations and preferably beach access if not beach front.

Any and all recommendations and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!
Staniel Cay

I took the wife and kids on a island hopping trip to the Bahamas in the -10 in January of this year. We spent a few days in each place, beginning with Treasure Cay, then Staniel Cay and ending with Stella Maris. They were all nice, but we fell in love with Staniel Cay. The facilities and the people at Staniel Cay Yacht Club were outstanding. They have a small beach but we used the skiff provided with our bungalow to get to nearby islands with spectacular beaches. The folks at the resort would pack lunch in a cooler so we could head off and explore in the boat. While not inexpensive, the all-in cost was comparable to Stella Maris when we factored in the meals and car rental required there.

I?d recommend Great Harbour Cay. Got an AirBnb right on the beach for a week last April and it was a blast. Not an island for night life or planned activities but a whole lot of peace and quiet. You?ll have the beach to yourself 99% of the time. Couple of restaurants but most cooking was done at the house. Couple of grocery stores and a few liquor stores for beer, wine and adult beverages. Fresh fish most days when you go to the marina or you can do some serious fly fishing in the Beryl Islands. Got a beater rental car to get around this 7 mile Long Island. Nice paved runway but no fuel. Customs there too but hours are spotty. We cleared at North Eleuthera and topped off on fuel there. 25 minute flight to MYBG. On the way home we cleared customs at Ft. Pierce and that was the worst part of our trip. The Customs folks at KFPR are the biggest jerks on the planet. Given a choice I would go elsewhere next time.
Have fun!
What happened?

I?d recommend Great Harbour Cay. Got an AirBnb right on the beach for a week last April and it was a blast. Not an island for night life or planned activities but a whole lot of peace and quiet. You?ll have the beach to yourself 99% of the time. Couple of restaurants but most cooking was done at the house. Couple of grocery stores and a few liquor stores for beer, wine and adult beverages. Fresh fish most days when you go to the marina or you can do some serious fly fishing in the Beryl Islands. Got a beater rental car to get around this 7 mile Long Island. Nice paved runway but no fuel. Customs there too but hours are spotty. We cleared at North Eleuthera and topped off on fuel there. 25 minute flight to MYBG. On the way home we cleared customs at Ft. Pierce and that was the worst part of our trip. The Customs folks at KFPR are the biggest jerks on the planet. Given a choice I would go elsewhere next time.
Have fun!

Any chance you would expound on what happened with customs? I am planning to go down next month too. Was thinking about clearing at Fort Peirce. In looking at everything I need to to do to be ready, I read I need 12" N-Numbers. Mine are about "8 and I am squaking ADS-B, so they know who I am without even flying up next to me. I called down to Fort Pierce and talked to a Customs guy who said it was not big deal unless they were tiny numbers unless I got a hard *** agent. And then he would not really do anything except complain. Said he had never seen anyone fined or anything. I might go ahead and change out for bigger numbers so there is no reason to hassle me...

The aviation paint dept of HD or Lows has 2 inch wide blue aircraft number stripping tape that is certified to 200Kts ground speed. :D
Avoid KFPR Customs

KFPR Customs synopsis:

They open at 1000 so we filed to arrive at that time. Coming over West End airport, got a shortcut from Miami Center, direct KFPR which shaved off 15 minutes of flight time. Landed at 0945 and parked in front of Customs waiting for them to open. A Mooney arrived 5 minutes after us to park and wait also. They finally opened at 1015, no big deal, we were still on island time. Wheeled our stuff inside and while we waited for them to get set up, the agent with the sniffer box, poked his head in the office and asked ?who?s the pilot for N151TK?? I respond that?s me. Zero acknowledgement but he tells agent number two to issue a citation to me for arriving early. I protest and agent one says ?you could be hauling drugs and if you land early we would not know about it. You?re getting a ticket?. I had to bite my tongue to not say ?listen here &#$@!, IF I was hauling drugs, I wouldn?t be standing here waiting for you to open late.? I stayed quiet and took my lumps while agent one and two proceeded with the same act on the couple that arrived right after us.
Finished our paperwork, proceeded to the metal detector and X-ray machine. I asked agent three where I needed to go pay my fine. He was really nice, waived us through and told us to forget about the whole issue.
I clear Customs on a regular basis in my day job and I have NEVER come across agents that were as rude as the first two agents. KFPR, never again!!
Oracal 631

In looking at everything I need to to do to be ready, I read I need 12" N-Numbers. Mine are about "8 and I am squaking ADS-B...

I used a product called Oracal 631 that worked great for temporary 12? numbers (someone else on this forum had recommended this). I?ve got military markings on the fuselage so I used a black sheet of Oracal then placed the white numbers on top. I installed them prior to leaving TN on our trip. Nothing fancy, but I made cardboard templates and cut them by hand. Survived the whole 10 days through rain, sun and 200kt speeds. Removed them when I got back home with zero residue.

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I am planning a trip to the Bahamas in late January of early Feb. time frame. I am looking for something between Nassau and Stella Maris with reasonably priced accommodations and preferably beach access if not beach front.

Any and all recommendations and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!

I don't know what you consider reasonable prices, but Cape Santa Maria on Long Island is my and my wife's favorite Bahamas resort. Wonderful beach, great food, great bone fishing when the weather is cooperative. We love the place.
KFPR Customs synopsis:

They open at 1000 so we filed to arrive at that time. Coming over West End airport, got a shortcut from Miami Center, direct KFPR which shaved off 15 minutes of flight time. Landed at 0945 and parked in front of Customs waiting for them to open. A Mooney arrived 5 minutes after us to park and wait also. They finally opened at 1015, no big deal, we were still on island time. Wheeled our stuff inside and while we waited for them to get set up, the agent with the sniffer box, poked his head in the office and asked ?who?s the pilot for N151TK?? I respond that?s me. Zero acknowledgement but he tells agent number two to issue a citation to me for arriving early. I protest and agent one says ?you could be hauling drugs and if you land early we would not know about it. You?re getting a ticket?. I had to bite my tongue to not say ?listen here &#$@!, IF I was hauling drugs, I wouldn?t be standing here waiting for you to open late.? I stayed quiet and took my lumps while agent one and two proceeded with the same act on the couple that arrived right after us.
Finished our paperwork, proceeded to the metal detector and X-ray machine. I asked agent three where I needed to go pay my fine. He was really nice, waived us through and told us to forget about the whole issue.
I clear Customs on a regular basis in my day job and I have NEVER come across agents that were as rude as the first two agents. KFPR, never again!!

I have some similar stories, but at FXE not FPR. I've only been through FPR once and it was a reasonable experience. Unfortunately, there are some real head cases in Customs and it's a gamble some times. I've met some very nice professionals at Customs and some you'd swear had escaped the local supermax prison. It's a job that seems to attract power freaks.
sorry to hear that...

KFPR Customs synopsis:

They open at 1000 so we filed to arrive at that time. Coming over West End airport, got a shortcut from Miami Center, direct KFPR which shaved off 15 minutes of flight time. Landed at 0945 and parked in front of Customs waiting for them to open. A Mooney arrived 5 minutes after us to park and wait also. They finally opened at 1015, no big deal, we were still on island time. Wheeled our stuff inside and while we waited for them to get set up, the agent with the sniffer box, poked his head in the office and asked ?who?s the pilot for N151TK?? I respond that?s me. Zero acknowledgement but he tells agent number two to issue a citation to me for arriving early. I protest and agent one says ?you could be hauling drugs and if you land early we would not know about it. You?re getting a ticket?. I had to bite my tongue to not say ?listen here &#$@!, IF I was hauling drugs, I wouldn?t be standing here waiting for you to open late.? I stayed quiet and took my lumps while agent one and two proceeded with the same act on the couple that arrived right after us.
Finished our paperwork, proceeded to the metal detector and X-ray machine. I asked agent three where I needed to go pay my fine. He was really nice, waived us through and told us to forget about the whole issue.
I clear Customs on a regular basis in my day job and I have NEVER come across agents that were as rude as the first two agents. KFPR, never again!!

Wow. Hate to hear that. You know there are probably camera's all over the place that would see you unloading all your contraband. So, in the end. No fine. That is good. Are there any fees to pay when you come back in?

I used a product called Oracal 631 that worked great for temporary 12? numbers (someone else on this forum had recommended this). I?ve got military markings on the fuselage so I used a black sheet of Oracal then placed the white numbers on top. I installed them prior to leaving TN on our trip. Nothing fancy, but I made cardboard templates and cut them by hand. Survived the whole 10 days through rain, sun and 200kt speeds. Removed them when I got back home with zero residue.


Thanks for the info. I don't have any other signage that would be covered up so I think I will just remove the smaller numbers and replace them with Larger ones so I can go on a moments notice in the future. I see you are at M54? I am on a private strip over in White House. I fly in to M54 occasionally. I am sure we have some mutual friends. I hope to see you and your airplane sometime soon. :)
Like a box of Chocolates...

Badges, we don?t need no stinkin? badges.....:D

You never know what you'll get when crossing the border. I have traveled doing music for over 30 years. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is hard. Sometimes it is hard because of the poor choices and checkered past of your work mates... Sometimes it is because the agent has issues, or an axe to grind...
Recent trip to Bahamas

Check out this series of nine videos documenting the first trip to the Bahamas by a husband and wife who BOTH are air traffic controllers. Unlike a lot of travel videos, this couple share with us the radio transmissions as well as the in-flight conversations, so they give us a really good introduction to communicating with ATC in the Bahamas. They go to three different islands in this week-long adventure.

If you're pressed for time, you can skip ahead to subsequent videos to hear their conversations after they get to the islands.


Definitely entertaining and educational for those of you planning to make this trip.
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I see you are at M54? I am on a private strip over in White House. I fly in to M54 occasionally. I am sure we have some mutual friends. I hope to see you and your airplane sometime soon. :)

Hey Jeff, I?m actually down at KMBT for now while we put a runway in just north of the racetrack and west of Fall Creek. Should have my ride home by next summer. I?m sure we?ll cross paths sometime in middle TN. I do know several of the folks that are based at M54 and up at M91 close to you.

Customs power trip does sum it up. What goes around, comes around. Bad karma will catch up with those fellows sometime when they least expect it.
Days Gone By

Mr. Kristensen. Sorry, I can't help you with the Bahama trip, but, thanks for posting a link to your build site. I did enjoy a tour of your workshop. Sadly, of all your many successful designs, I could not find even a single pattern plane, not one RC transmitter, or even one of your many trophies. Yes, sad indeed. However, those were great days! Thanks for your contribution.
Get the AOPA Bahamas guide

I'm wondering about how much these Bahamas trips are costing you guys. Here's why. I'm thinking of going on one of those "escorted" journeys to the Bahamas Feb 10 to the 19th. It's with Air Journey---they're usually at Sun n Fun each year. It's $3640. Ain't cheap, I know---includes accommodations, food, Bahama's insurance coverage, taxi to the hotels, and that eAPIS thing you need to do for customs. 5 islands in the 9 days. They do all the flight planning and weather briefing. Obviously, I gotta buy my own gas.

Whadaya all think? :D

Is that $3640 per person? If so, seems a bit steep for me but what do I know. I can spend that on one airplane gizmo :D Sounds like fun either way. It all depends on what you want to do. Spend your time flying around islands or on the beach. Just like picking an RV model, first step, define your mission. If you like someone else holding your hand the whole way then it sounds like that?ll work for you. I tend to be more independent, so to each their own.

Can?t remember the exact cost but I think we spent around $3.5k for a 2B/2B house right on the beach, beater rental car to get groceries, food and beverages, customs fees and fuel to and from middle TN for one week. The big variable is accommodations. You can go crazy and rent a mansion on the beach with all the water toys included, all inclusive resort, tent on the beach, or a boat in a marina. All depends on what you want. We traveled at the end of April so you?ll see variations in rates throughout the year.

As far as insurance, you should not need separate coverage for the Bahamas. Call your broker though to confirm. My coverage through EAA includes Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas for no extra charge. Points south require rider coverage for a defined period. eAPIS is pretty simple. Buy your aircraft sticker from CBP online. They run on a calendar year basis so don?t buy it now if you?re traveling in 2019. Aircraft radio license good for 10 years is also available online. Can?t remember the cost but I think it was $110. Best overall advice is to buy the AOPA Bahamas guide and bring suntan lotion.
Check out 310 Pilot on Youtube. He and his wife are air traffic controllers and have just posted a whole series of videos where they went to the Bahama's with their 310. Looks like you could get some good ideas from them. Even if not you might enjoy the scenery on the videos. :p
Check out this series of seven videos documenting the first trip to the Bahamas by a husband and wife who BOTH are air traffic controllers. Unlike a lot of travel videos, this couple share with us the radio transmissions as well as the in-flight conversations, so they give us a really good introduction to communicating with ATC in the Bahamas. They go to three different islands in this week-long adventure.

If you're pressed for time, you can skip ahead to subsequent videos to hear their conversations after they get to the islands.


Definitely entertaining and educational for those of you planning to make this trip.

Don beat me to it and I did not notice. Sorry!
What did you guys spend "about" for just you to go to the Bahamas?

Let me start over on this topic again, as I kinda murdered the english when writing before. First off, to Mike F on post 22, I guess they're charging that 30 bucks, because they're doing it for you.

Now for the subject matter:

I'm thinking about going on one of those Air Journey trips to the Bahamas, Feb 10 plus 9 days. 5 islands. All the accommodations, food, and taxis, Air Journey wing leader are included. You buy your own fuel.Could I do it myself cheaper? Of course. But what I like is the idea of several airplanes, so if someone goes down, the rest can circle til the Coast Guard chopper gets there.

Price: $3145 per person. My wife doesn't like airplanes, or it would be $6290, which would be out of the question.

plus $495 for plane registration: Here's the quote from them on what the $495 gets you:

Plane Registration Includes:
Extensive Navigation log tailored for each aircraft (airports, route, frequencies, airspace info, nav-aids, reporting points, international flight plans)
Flight plans and eAPIS manifest (departure and arrival) filed on your behalf
Pilot briefing prior to each day's flight
Weather website with constant updates showing TAF, METAR, Wind Aloft, prognastic forecast and review
Fuel availability confirmed along the route of flight
Flight bag and collared, cotton shirt for the pilot with his name and aircraft tail number embroidered on the upper front. Additional shirts are available for passengers and crew at an additional cost.

So $3640 total.

What I'd like to find out is, for you guys who have already done this, about what did it cost you---just you---not including your wife.

I have been 5 times. Always LOVE it.
A couple tips if i can. First if you look up the out island website, they will give you a true refund of $300 off your bill if you stay at one of the listed places for 4 nights, $150 if only two nights. Places that dont participate in that, always have pilot discounts, just ask.
There are "flying ambassadors" that are compensated by the bahamas to help you. You can google them and find a close one. Their job is to help you get it done. Also, banyan aviation in lauderdale really pumps it and will send you a nice package with forms and info, i believe bahamas tourism will too. Get it ordered, all free and fun to help plan.
I have been to pretty much all the land-able islands. Hope town area is very nice if you want busy hustle bustle , and lots of rich folks, short water taxi to marsh harbour.
Staniel Cay is awesome and gets you to the thunderbolt grotto and swimming pigs but again much busier and pricey place to stay. What we LOVE is the really quiet, not touristy places. Exuma is a nice mix, you can find some rental homes and really relax. If even more relaxed...black point is quiet and nice. Cape Santa maria is our true fav. Amazing. Same island as Stella Marias. Lots of other good places. Pittstown was good before hurricane, not sure now. Good people. Hawksnest is a fav of some of our friends but the beach isnt great, few other spots on cat islands folks seem to like. So many choices, non bad. Do ensure you have some basic snacks with you. Just dont like feeling stuck and hungry when the few restaurants are closed for no apparent reason and you are starving. Just an island thing.
I will agree ft pierce is sucky for customs. We have had really bad and ok experiences there. Ft lauderdale exec has been better but just depends on the agent i guess. May try this new option listed as a bad customs experience really sours one for a few days. I would think management of customs would be all over that. They have a job to do, no issue, but they dont need to be knobs. Doesnt make sense. Enjoy the trip
I would never sign onto one of those. I would maybe find another plane to tag team with and enjoy that. I dont like the big groups and it is WAY WAY easier then you can imagine. Plan ahead, get the packages and get her done. It is intimidating...until you do it once. Eapis and international flight plan is simple. Once you get into Bahamas air....wow vacation is on and its easy peasy. Landing at the little quiet airports is so relaxing. Many of the small islands have their own customs and we have found them very relaxed and pleasant. Marsh is much busier, and hit or miss for a good customs experience.
Places to stay

Have flown down several times a couple of our favorites are Fernandez Bay Resort and Tailwinds both on Cat Island. Anyplace on Eleuthera especially around Governors Harbor.
Just an update for anyone else who might be considering this. My whole reason for being interested in this "group" flyout, was I thought everyone would be flying a loose gaggle, so that if anyone had an engine failure, and went in the water, there would be eyes overhead to bring in the Coast Guard chopper. Well it turns out, they have one plane take off every 10 minutes, ie no gaggle, you're flying solo. Totally kills the whole concept for me.

Don't want to tell anyone else what to do, this is just me.
Check out AOPA, they have full details of the flights, costs and island's with accommodations for the Bahamas.
Hawk's Nest Resort, Cat Island

Thank you very much for all the great information, suggestions and links provided here. We have decided to fly to Cat Island and have booked a 3 night stay at the Hawk's Nest Resort at the end of January. https://hawks-nest.com/airstrip/ The room rate is reasonable at $235.00 per night with a special at that time of the 3rd. night at 1/2 price.

the owner loves to tell all the stories of the old drug running history of that strip. they have a marina that we enjoyed visiting a manatee at. they also can rent a car for you cheap and running up to fernando bay and the church hermitage thing on the hill is worth the time and trouble. enjoy.

it is one of those unique places where you walk into the bar, nobody there so you go behind, open the cooler, grab a few kaliks and find the clip board, write down your name and room number and what you had. Plane is 100yds from the bar. good times.
Hawk's Nest Resort

the owner loves to tell all the stories of the old drug running history of that strip. they have a marina that we enjoyed visiting a manatee at. they also can rent a car for you cheap and running up to fernando bay and the church hermitage thing on the hill is worth the time and trouble. enjoy.

it is one of those unique places where you walk into the bar, nobody there so you go behind, open the cooler, grab a few kaliks and find the clip board, write down your name and room number and what you had. Plane is 100yds from the bar. good times.

Thanks Rick,
I thought it looked like a cool place, my wife is not too keen on flying over all that water so I'm taking a friend from Guelph who is a real keen fisherman so we may go out on a fishing charter. Did you do that?
Nope we have not gone fishing...deep sea or bone. Will sometime but never enough time. We have paid for boat rides many times but thats it. Another idea, we really like the small islands for customs over marsh or the biggies. Do ensure you know the hours. Also, fuel can be an issue. They get it barged in and we have had a few trips where 100LL was promised well ahead but 0 in the tanks at fbos and a week until new shipment so dont leave yourself too tight. Stella Maris and Exuma worked great for customs for us. Enjoy the trip
You will like Hawks Nest, very laid back place. Rooms are simple but clean, food was really good. If weather permits, definitely charter a fishing day. Banyan at Fort Lauderdale Exec is a great place to stop, for both inbound and outbound. They have all the travel info you will need, a restaurant, and rental safety equipment if you need it, life vest, PLBs etc. You will need to clear Bahama customs before landing at Hawks, I believe they still have Customs at the other end of Cat Island. Also, no 100 LL on Cat Island. If you want to do a stop over at the Fl Keys on the way back, Marathon Airport now has part time US Customs. Check out the Bahamas private pilots programs. You may be eligible for some refund credit for your stay.
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Customs Clearance

Just make sure you cross the t's and dot the I's. I went through last year and one passenger had not signed his passport. We were informed that an unsigned US passport is the most sought after document in the world (Yes the terrorist who finds it can always sign it I guess) and I was questioned intensively did I really know this guy and if he was a good US citizen. He was questioned later and asked to show an alternative US signed document with a picture. It's 90% a power play and these guys need to think what are truly issues that could effect our safety. (Like having bi-fold doors to a cockpit that my mother could breach before 9/11 occurred)

I never can understand the customs thing. I have no issue at all with them doing their job, searching, verifying and asking questions. No issue that is their job. What i never understand is the just miserable, unprofessional attitude...and why managers dont address it. I cross dozens of times a year and on the border cities I would say about 10% of the time it is just a miserable experience. BUT...when i fly much further into the US before clearing like direct to yeager or tri city from Canada they are seriously the nicest people ever. Again no issue doing their job by why are they allowed to treat tourists or returning citizens so poorly. From posts here and talking to lots of people it isnt a one time thing...its on going issue and ft pierce is king of the hill for poor treatment. Its a shame.
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It?s 100% a power trip. I?m all for border security but these people so hyped up and self consumed by their on paranoia and hunger to impose their power over ?regular people?, that they?re going to miss any real threat. Like a buddy of mine use to say....?they get high off of smelling their own perfume?!! I guess common sense and politeness are a thing of the past.

I never can understand the customs thing. I have no issue at all with them doing their job, searching, verifying and asking questions. No issue that is their job. What i never understand is the just miserable, unprofessional attitude...and why managers dont address it. I cross dozens of times a year and on the border cities I would say about 10% of the time it is just a miserable experience. BUT...when i fly much further into the US before clearing like direct to yeager or tri city from Canada they are seriously the nicest people ever. Again no issue doing their job by why are they allowed to treat tourists or returning citizens so poorly. From posts here and talking to lots of people it isnt a one time thing...its on going issue and ft pierce is king of the hill for poor treatment. Its a shame.

Just make sure you cross the t's and dot the I's. I went through last year and one passenger had not signed his passport. We were informed that an unsigned US passport is the most sought after document in the world (Yes the terrorist who finds it can always sign it I guess) and I was questioned intensively did I really know this guy and if he was a good US citizen. He was questioned later and asked to show an alternative US signed document with a picture. It's 90% a power play and these guys need to think what are truly issues that could effect our safety. (Like having bi-fold doors to a cockpit that my mother could breach before 9/11 occurred)

I do not have a lot of experience with border patrol and/or customs but do with other types of government investigators. My opinion is that getting people uncomfortable and being picky about the details is how they get the bad guys to slip up. Finding inconsistencies is the beginning of finding someone is lying.
Now I am probably giving them more credit then they deserve because it probably is just the power trip thing or they are having a bad day because someone before you got pissy with them. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
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I do not have a lot of experience with border patrol and/or customs but do with other types of government investigators. My opinion is that getting people uncomfortable and being picky about the details is how they get the bad guys to slip up. Finding inconsistencies is the beginning of finding someone is lying.
Now I am probably giving them more credit then they deserve because it probably is just the power trip thing or they are having a bad day because someone before you got pissy with them. I give them the benefit of the doubt.

Your analysis of them and their mission is much kinder then mine as to their modus operandi. I too have had my share of dealing with these people and as I?m sure you can tell, I don?t hold them in very high regard.

I can remember years ago, We were a full airline crew, dressed in uniform--the whole 9 yards, and customs at Miami, Houston, and Newark were horrible to us. Once I was talking to my local congress women, and asked about, "Don't these guys answer to "someone" Her answer was "No", because they belong to the judicial part of the government----You know---the Prez, congress, and the judicial side? She said any letter from her or a Senator can and would be totally ignored, and there's nothing they can do about it.
I can remember years ago, We were a full airline crew, dressed in uniform--the whole 9 yards, and customs at Miami, Houston, and Newark were horrible to us. Once I was talking to my local congress women, and asked about, "Don't these guys answer to "someone" Her answer was "No", because they belong to the judicial part of the government----You know---the Prez, congress, and the judicial side? She said any letter from her or a Senator can and would be totally ignored, and there's nothing they can do about it.

US CBP (Customs and Border Protection) is actually part of the US DHS (Department of Homeland Security). DHS is a Cabinet department (3rd largest behind the DOD and Dept of Veterans Affairs). Cabinet departments are in the executive branch of government, not the judicial.

Clearing US customs can indeed be a trying and frustrating experience. However, I have been crossing the US/Canada border numerous times each year for 50 years and by private, corporate and commercial airplane too many time to mention during the last 35 years. Except for just a few of all those crossings I have been treated professionally and with courtesy.

This most recent trip to the Bahamas was no exception. Clearing US customs at Fort Lauderdale Executive airport (KFXE) was a breeze.

The things that must be done. 1: File an eAPIS. 2: File a flight plan and get a squak code. 3: Call the customs office at the airport you intend to land at and speak to an officer to set up a time to meet. These 3 things MUST be done or you will have big trouble with hefty fines. Never ever cross the border or the Air Defense Identification Zone ADIZ without a transponder code and be talking to ATC.

This thread drifted toward customs issues so I started a new one with a report on the trip.