
Well Known Member
the orndorff videos say you can begin work on the baggage door with the forward upper skin clecoed in place. the manual says to wait after riveting the skin on, as small dimensional changes may affect the baggage door fit. does it make that much difference?
I've only made one RV-8 baggage door, so I can't compare the two methods....but I did mine with the forward skin clecoed in place, and I think the door turned out OK. Would it have been better if I'd had the forward skin riveted on first? Can't tell you...

Split the difference

I split the difference between the two methods and placed 8 strategically located -3 cherry pop rivets and put clecos in evey other hole. They pull the dimpled skins together pretty darn tight. After using the strap, glue, and soft rivet method, I then drilled out said rivets.

Like Paul, I can't say if it is a better route or not. But my door fits very well.
JonathanCook said:
Where can I find details about putting in a baggage door?
Uh, on the RV-8 fuselage plans?

I see you're building a 7. The baggage door on the 8 is for a forward comparment that is unique to the 8. On the 7, the canopy is the baggage door.