Bob Ellis

Well Known Member
I have checked other Baggage Door threads but not found an answer...

In the photo below you will see that the baggage door skin outboard edge is not flush with the skin. Up to this point the rest of the door skin fit is as good as I could expect and was made as per plans/instructions. This is a pre-punched (-1) kit.


Before I get out the edge rolling tool or bend it I would like to see what others have done to correct this minor problem. I am loathe to use the edge rolling tool as it will not go far enough up the skin where the gap starts (about 1/2").


Bob Ellis
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Bob, I would just use a hand seamer to gently contour the door up where it doesn't follow the curvature of the skin. But then, my baggage door looks like I bent it with a crowbar and a hammer after imbibing adult beverages, so I really shouldn't offer advice. :D

Hello Bob,

I've got an early build manual and it mentions how to solve this, yet in a latter manual it omits the procedure.

This is basically what it says to do, at your own discretion......

Use two blocks of wood spanning the entire width of the baggage door skin, with a 32nd gap between them, and one of the blocks slightly lower than the other and with the 'keylock' angle attached to the top baggage door skin is to gently apply a bend on the outboard end of the skin.D

If the above is not clear, I will try and fish out the appropriate paragraph.

David Richard
RV8A Finish kit
Baggage Door Skin Fit

To all those who replied on and off list thank you for the advice.

I gently bent the last 1/2" or so and then applied an edge roller and I am happy with the result ....


... I'll wait now until the forward skin is finally riveted on before the final fit/drill of the hinge and latch block.



Looks good. Thanks for posting this. I modified my door pretty substantially for a longer sloped windshield so I'm sure to run into some fitment issues, good to know there is a simple solution for minor fitting issues.
