
Well Known Member
Here's a quickie for anyone who has completed this.....

How did you rivet the top baggabe door to the ribs? The shape of the ribs prevent the squeezer from getting in there. Any suggestions? Thanks
Baggage door

WOW do I feel stupid! Almost three years into this thing and the baggage door is the very last thing I am doing and this answer nails home tunnel vision. Thanks
Doug: You can visualize a convenient way to set the door up to rivet with a bucking bar on my website link under "Fuselage" 5-23-11

If you want it to fit tight and flat what you do is lock the door down then pull rivet as many holes as you can from inside the fuselage. Impossible if you have the rudder peds in unless you are long armed. That will set the shape. Then after a bunch of rivets are pulled, get out ( if you can) and pull the remainder. Good luck, Bill of Georgia RV-8a
If you want it to fit tight and flat what you do is lock the door down then pull rivet as many holes as you can from inside the fuselage. Impossible if you have the rudder peds in unless you are long armed. That will set the shape. Then after a bunch of rivets are pulled, get out ( if you can) and pull the remainder. Good luck, Bill of Georgia RV-8a

I agree. I had to redo the door because I did not do the door the way I should have. The second time around I got it right. I also agree with "get out if you can" By the time I finished I had bruises and strange patterned indents on soft parts of my body!