
I've read everything here and on the RV-list about the forward baggage door...

My door is currently mid-stage -- it's strapped to the airplane and the epoxy is drying on the outer skin-to-ribs joints. When I remove the door to rivet the outer skin after the epoxy cures, what is the favored method of riveting? It seems to me that if Vans had designed the door with the flanges pointing outward instead of inward, all of these rivets could be squeezed. Instead, it looks like more fun with the rivet gun. Any suggestions? Also, I wonder if shooting/bucking instead of squeezing causes some of the door misalignment that people frequently encounter...

For the inside skin, I'm trying to avoid drilling upside down with the door on the airplane. I've read where at least one person has drilled the lower skin on the bench, clecoed and epoxied it on the airplane, and then removed it from the airplane for riveting (same as the outside skin). Are there any recent success stories here?


RV-8 almost almost done