Future RV 9 Flyer

Active Member
Having read all the posts about riveting the floors and using screws and plate nuts does anybody see a problem with leaving the floors off until all the wiring is done? I'm currently working on the flap actuator and everything has been temporarily fitted and removed as needed.ready to move on to the gear weld nets.thanks for any advice
No problem that I know of. That's what I did.
BTW, I pop riveted my floors as Vans calls for and have no regrets. No reason to access the sub-floor in over 3 yrs of flying. The platenut & screw method looked like w-a-y more work than would pay off in the future.

If the wiring and equipment you are planning has connections/splices/terminations/antennae under the floors then they should be removable.

If it's just for pass though wires why not simply put in two fairly large conduits, rivet the floors, and pull wires later as needed?
If you install steps on an A model, a removable floor is a good way to inspect the innards. Unless, of course, you don't include that item on your annual condition inspection.
I have manual elevator trim, and ADHRS, lighting, and ELT wires running up my central tunnel, which barely fit through the the two centre spar pass through holes. To do it again, I would leave at least one side of the baggage floor open until wiring is complete, so I could run compact wire bundles without loose conduits. I like the countersunk nut plate idea too: it would only a few hours work.