
Well Known Member
I have pics of Keith's bagage box, together with measures.
It seems to be impossible to attach pictures to this thread, but if you want the dimensions just send me a pm hans [dot] labruyere [at] gmail.com

Keep in mind that the bulkheads are INSIDE the skins - otherwise you'll be 5/16" short...
Keep them flying!!
photo's at last

..I took the trip down to TinyPic. Dunno if I'm happy with it, but as long they show I hope you guys are ;-)
Keep the flying!


[edit] Now find a way to turn them. For now you'll have to put your PC on it's side, I'm afraid..
..I took the trip down to TinyPic. Dunno if I'm happy with it, but as long they show I hope you guys are ;-)
Keep the flying!


[edit] Now find a way to turn them. For now you'll have to put your PC on it's side, I'm afraid..

Not sure what I'm looking at...how does this fit into the baggage area? The fuel tank probably won't like it😎
That red bottle reminds me of an incident that was described in an aviation magazine. A pilot filled a thermos with very hot coffee, almost boiling, and went flying. At cruise altitude, he opened the thermos. The whole contents turned to instant steam in the low pressure environment. The pilot was burned and windows instantly fogged over.