carl nank

Well Known Member
I have searched the forums. also saw many pictures. I still need some clarifications regarding the curved air intake we glass to the uppper cowl.

I need some clear pictures regarding the cowl intake AFT of the front baffles where it transitions from the curved intake fiberglass to the center baffles.

also it would be nice to have a picture into the FRONT left or right air intake to see how the air seal curves under the curved intake attached to the top cowl.

Do we need to block that airflow in the center section between the top cowl and the two curved upper intake fibreglass parts? Or is the seal material on the sides of the front baffle that curves under the front intake all that is needed.

For some reason I have a tough time getting my mind wrapped around this frustrating baffle assembly.
Thanks Vernon.

I was able to use two of your pictures of the front baffles. It was very interesting to see the doubled up "ears" on the front corner. It looks like it will work.

Thank you.
I copied Vern and tied the two sides together making a smooth transition. I did a layup over a foam mold and then bonded it between the ramps. I finished it with micro balloons and epoxy. It seems to work great. I've had nice CHT temperatures from the beginning. Don't forget to glass in one side under the ramps to prevent airflow.

Thanks Vernon.

I was able to use two of your pictures of the front baffles. It was very interesting to see the doubled up "ears" on the front corner. It looks like it will work.

Thank you.

Here's another photo that shows the notches that the baffles slide into. The end result is a very good seal.

I tried taking photos up the nostrils but they didn't come out well.

If you look closely, you can see some black staining from the baffles.


Cheers, Vern