
Well Known Member
Is it possible to fit the baffles, less the upper trimming and seals, before the engine is installed to the motor mount and airframe? I needed something to keep occupied during the long weekend and was wondering. Or do I need to have the engine hung and finalized first?
Not really

The trickiest part of the baffle is the inlet ramp alignment. Without the cowling installed, you would just be guessing where that would fall.
You could probably fit the baffles no problem, but you would probably want to remove them to hang the engine as the rear baffles might limit access to the engine mount bolts somewhat.

Could I start on the back and prefit as much as possible? What don't I need to do....that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean.:D
Could I start on the back and prefit as much as possible? What don't I need to do....that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean.:D

You can fit up much of the baffle, rivet the doublers, and few other things, but the big work is in the ramps. You simply can not get it right without the cowling installed. If you are mounting the Oil Cooler to the rear baffle, you should wait to cut that out as you want the Cooler as high up on the baffle as clearance to the Cowling will allow.
Concur with JonJay. Fitting the sides/backs (minus the oil cooler) doesn't take very long, couple hours max, but the killer is the front ramps, air inlet (for FI), and the oil cooler. Those three are probably 95% of the big time consumers.

Tbone, do you have your engine yet? do you have all the fittings/ prop governor installed? Is your firewall prepped as far as you can go?

I'm still wrapping up the engine install, but in general, the basic flow was prep and hang engine, install cowl (including oil door), then baffles, then engine wiring.

In short no, just too much room for error. I once saw a newbie who had bought a project trying to fit his cowl to the fuse without even having his motor mount on. He was cutting away, it took me an hour to make him believe that it couldn't reasonably be done. He looked at me like I was crazy.

Sometimes it's hard to figure.