brad walton

Well Known Member
I am rebuilding the baffle on the #4 cylinder corner on my IO-360 equipped RV-8 due to cracking on the left rear corner that seems to be common. My previous setup included a one inch plenum, but this time I am building per the Van's plans OP-27A. So I now have a problem I didn't have before. The #3 bolts for the oil cooler to the baffle attachment are secured to nut plates. Two on the left side, top and bottom of cooler, and two on the right side, top and middle. My problem is with the #3 nut plate on the right middle side of the oil cooler. Plans call for it to be attached to the forward side of the baffling which sits flush on the #4 cylinder fins. I can't see how to mount this nut plate without cylinder fin interference. Anybody else run into this and what did you do? Am I missing a simple solution?