Well Known Member
I bought a baffle kit here on VAF a year or three back. I have the sides and back fit and am currently scratching my head on the inlet pieces and particularly the baffle which attaches to the nose of the case behind the spinner.

While doing research I found photos here on the forum which make me think the baffle kit has undergone pretty significant changes.

A few questions:

1) Has the baffle kit changed and when did it change? (Mine might be a really early kit for all I know)

2) Assuming it has changed, what is the service history of the older kits. Looks like the attach brackets have changed quite a bit. Makes me wonder if the old ones had a propensity for cracking.

3) Are the current plans/instructions any better than the ones I'm using?

Thanks in advance.
different engine models have different kits


I think what you are seeing is that different engine models have different kits, and some models have kits that are more 'mature' than others because they are more prevalent and so have benefited from more customer feedback and evolution. For example, when I built (2006-2007) it was evident that the baffle kit for the angle-valve engines was not as well developed as the parallel valve engines.

But I think (Scott H. can confirm or correct this) all of the baffle kits are undergoing evolutionary improvement at various times. I think my angle-valve baffle kit showed improvements over previous drawings and pictures that I had seen.

I spent quite a lot of time fussing over details of my baffles -- way more time than one would think justified once seeing all the final parts. But the results were worth it. Low temps, durable (no cracks or any other maintenance issues).

I think it would be a struggle/puzzle if you happened to buy a baffle kit for a different engine model than you have and try to make it fit.

It also may be very helpful if you can find a friend with a finished/flying RV to look at the baffles installed when they are all done.
If you've got the plans CD look in the OP Drawings for OP40. That has the current instructions for the O-360 parallel valve baffles. That's what I'm working on now. I've had to make some modifications to mine because it's a narrow deck case and is to be expected. Basically some trimming on the front and rear case line and new front and rear brackets that fit on the case spine. Again, expected because of the old style case. Overall the kit (and instructions) is a vast improvement over the one I got in 2000.

Thanks for the help. Just for clarification I am using a narrow deck O-360-A1A. I do believe the kit I am using is for this engine.

As an example of a possible change, I noticed that my center bracket on the rear baffle resides on the rear side of the baffle. I found a pic that showed that bracket in front of the rear baffle attached to the case spline. The perpendicular geometry of the bracket in front of the baffle seems much more effective.

I do not have a copy of OP40. If anyone has a .pdf of that document please drop me a PM.

Thanks again.
New vs old

I definitely have an old baffle kit. I received drawings from the new kit from a gracious builder. I won't name him as we may have violated some federal law. I promise I won't use them......just look at the pictures :D

It does look like the baffle kit has evolved a lot. The rear attach bracket has changed, the ramp attach brackets are a bit different (and pre-punched) and the area around the oil cooler has been reinforced. The old documents state that the "cylinder temperature raisers" are only to be installed if necessary but these are now standard equipment with the new kit. Who new? :)

The new drawings are just a tiny bit better :rolleyes:

Interestingly, many of the pics in the drawings for the new kit are from an airplane with the old kit installed. Note the rear baffle attach bracket in the current documents. Very different than the new kit. The new bracket has vastly improved geometry.

I'm going to continue with the kit I have but order a few parts from the new kit.

Just thought I'd post this for future reference although probably everyone knew this except me :confused:

Thanks again.
