
Well Known Member
Van's old baffle plans suggest using 5 separate baffle fabric strips for each of the sides. I can understand not wanting to use one strip per side since that would tie each of the independently moving cylinders together. However, since both of the sides are relatively straight runs, it seems like using two strips per side (overlapping where the fwd side baffle meets the aft side baffle) might seal better than 5 or 6 strips. In short, will more strips seal better than fewer?

Any comments one way or the other? Thanks.
Used two pieces for the pilot's side

Hi Steve,

I just completed the pilot's side this afternoon. Two pieces seemed to have worked for me. I thought I was going to need a third piece where the front joggles down once again. I ended up cutting a small slit along the bottom of the material to allow the material to conform and that seems to have worked.

One thing I've noticed while looking at other folks pictures is that their side baffles seem to taper down rather drastically down by inlets. I didn't have to do this, however. Either I've messed up, or I was looking at something other than a -7. I hope I was looking at something other an a -7. ;)

Good luck,
Hi Steve,

One thing I've noticed while looking at other folks pictures is that their side baffles seem to taper down rather drastically down by inlets. I didn't have to do this, however. Either I've messed up, or I was looking at something other than a -7. I hope I was looking at something other an a -7. ;)

The sides taper quickly for the fiberglass pieces that get fiberglassed to the inside top of the cowl. I didn't catch this, originally myself. Either did "Dan"; who had that great RV7 website that's gone now.:)

The fiberglass pieces have a name, it's just been too long for me to remember. Might be ramps or something....

L.Adamson --- RV6A (flying)
Yes, the inlet ducts or ramps, depending on where you locate them horizontally, may require cutting down the side baffles. I did to get the requisite 3/8-1/2" clearance, but I also have read a couple other builder sites who have indicated leaving the fwd sides higher might have worked better. So long has you direct the air over the top of the engine, I suppose there are a million different ways to do baffles, at least that's what I'm gathering.

So will a couple pieces of fabric on each side seal as well as five or six?