
Well Known Member
I know Larry has said a couple of times "This is the last one", but I'm wondering if there will be a Badlands 2016? I'm planning a Western trip for early September and I'd like to position my trip around this fly in, if it's going to happen.

I've been once, it was a great time, and my son would like to go this time.
If Larry (or Clint?) host another fly-in this year I'm in. I know a few others who have told me the same.
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So I guess I'll be the bearer of bad news. Larry won't be hosting a badlands fly in this year, as he is getting a hanger house finished in TX, and didn't feel that he could do it this year.
The good news, is that with some arm twisting, sweet talking or even begging, he might bring it back next year!
Thanks for the update Clint.

Do you know if the Hot Springs airport has a car that can be borrowed? I can always get a rental while I'm there but thought it was worth checking.