
Well Known Member
It seems like the first time in forever, the bad weather missed the upper midwest, so we had a cool, but clear weekend. Knowing our luck wont hold forever, we got out and flew!

Saturday, Kate and and I headed to the Diner at KEAU for a late breakfast/early lunch it is a nice 30-40 min flight from the Cities.

High overcast over the St Croix, a pretty nice day to fly.....

Apparently the 1/2 face selfie is a thing - Lemon water and a straw....

I'm just happy a 16yr old wants to fly with me.

Bernie was busy cooking for dinner party Sat nite - I mean really cooking, Indian Spiced Salmon, his signature rice cake, and Chocolate Expresso Cake, so he did not fly on Saturday, but the Wx was great Sunday, we went back EAU for breakfast.

Some circles over Bald Eagle lake shows the house on the island.....

You can see the road system to the fish houses as well....

Since Bernie is flying a pokey -9 like mine(ok way nicer than mine) we made it an MPG run. I used full carb heat and a bit higher than usual MP to get a very nice result. The economy these birds achieve is amazing.

Bernie and I solved world issues over breakfast - we don't know where the 777 is, so don't ask....
I worked at Heartland for the 4 years I was in college, but I haven't been to the new diner since Connells at the Airport left. I might have seen you fly in if you go there often.
Farm on Starr

It has just been remodeled and is called Farm on Starr. Quite nice and the prices are reasonable.

I worked at Heartland for the 4 years I was in college, but I haven't been to the new diner since Connells at the Airport left. I might have seen you fly in if you go there often.
Hey! I can see my house! (not the island one...:() Missed seeing you guys fly laps around the lake though. It was a beautiful day to be up.
In the winter we used to go snowmobiling on Bald Eagle Lake and up over that island before the house was there. I lived a couple miles east of there next to Benson's Airport then. They get back and forth in boats, cars, and hovercraft depending on the season. Nice place.
On the Sunday flight Pete and I flew loose formation and he was doing 129TAS at 3500 ft on 4.9GPH and I was doing the same at 5.3GPH. I sense roughness where it isn't. the RV 9 is a fantastic airplane. Fun to fly, not jittery and economical, but fast enough for serious cross country.

The dinner was great, but nothing compares to flying a plane you built to breakfast.