
Well Known Member
Maybe this has been posted, but it seems that the grammar in the plans is not very good. Such that the pictures, which I assume are correct don't match the text.

For Example:
Step 2: Use a step drill to enlarge the Upr-aft System holes as shown in figure one in all but the three most outboard instances of W-1011-L & R and in the W-1010 Inboard wing Rib.

This would seem to indicate that W-1010 does not get drilled. But the pictures shows it being drilled. Since it is wiring and the wiring starts in the fuselage, one would assume that the 1010 would get the most wires through it.

Same thing on Step 3.

The other odd thing is that none of the ribs have the pilot hole for the upper aft system, yet is says to use a step bit to enlarge the holes. Easy enough to drill holes, but why bother with the other two pilot holes and not punch the upr aft. Maybe the RV-10 does not have those holes.

When in doubt use the drawings?


I too wondered the same, so I went with the pictures. My kit included the snap bushings for the previous plan (pre-revision) NOT for what you see in the Rev-1 picture. If I were you, I would count the included bushings to be sure they correlate. Mine are on the way along with the new t shirt!
Ken, IMHO you should use the snap bushings or other protective device wherever a wire, tube or hose passes through a piece of sheet metal. Anything that can vibrate, or move around and damage itself or the part it is penetrating.

For larger holes, use caterpillar grommet.


Rubber grommets can be used also.

Snap bushings are cheap, and you can get them in assortments from Stein Also, you can order them from ACS.

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yes, I plan to use snap bushings. They are called out in the plans and they came with the kit. SInce they are cheap, I will not bother counting them.

Guys, what was the outcome of this? Did you end up just going by the illustration? Also, the very first inboard rib only shows the one hole, I assume this is an error as the wires need to pass through to line up with all the other rib holes right?

Did anyone just make the holes the 1/2" exclusively (not talking about the small hole at the rear of the ribs). I can't tell by the included bushings count.

I want to make sure I get this right before I start riveting the ribs on.

I just used the drawing for the # and size of holes. I thought about running one size hole the entire way, but I stuck with the plans.

the W1010 rib has 2 holes on the left wing and right as per the pictures on 12-04 and 12-05. Left has an SB500-6 and an SB437-4, while right has all SB-500-6.

I looked ahead in the plans and the 3 holes in the left side is for the pitot system. The size of the holes here might matter, since the tube might have to be snug un the holes. But I don't know at this point.