
Well Known Member
Okay, previous until today, I was confident that I would need no back up flight instruments. Planning a mostely VFR (enroute IFR) panel with a single 10" Skyview I was pretty confident it would be unlikely that I would need backup flight instruments. Well, this morning powering up my Skyview the screen froze and I got an error message that told me to contact Dynon support. Nothing I did would turn it off or make it reboot. I contacted Dynon and was able to reboot using a secret Dynon reboot sequence. I am now nervous putting that much faith in a single SkyView system.

So now I am considering back up instruments. I have 3 options

1. Add a second Skyview. - My panel has space for a second 7" display.

2. Add a Garmin Aera 500 - GPS derived flight instruments. I have used the 496 in IMC and it worked very well.

3. Steam - Not gonna happen.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Back Up Instruments

Take a look at the 'Whats New' link on the Tru Trak home page. They are soon to release a new product called Gemini ADI. This looks like a lot of back up in a small package.
It would be hard to beat this baby for a backup EFIS.....
$1600 gets you a full EFIS that is built on a different platform and different code and it is small...


TT also has this nice unit for $2200!


Further down the pipe and at a unknown price would be these puppies:

MGL also has several options.
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I have had the Dynon in 3 airplanes now, and it is rock solid, which was especially comforting while working through "teething" issues with a number of other EFIS platforms. Yes, there are some really cool new things coming on the market that look to be good backup items, but some of my criteria for a backup item is that it is proven, meaning not new, not on a 1.X release, and is of a different manufacturer than the primary system.

I have had the Dynon in 3 airplanes now, and it is rock solid, which was especially comforting while working through "teething" issues with a number of other EFIS platforms. Yes, there are some really cool new things coming on the market that look to be good backup items, but some of my criteria for a backup item is that it is proven, meaning not new, not on a 1.X release, and is of a different manufacturer than the primary system.


Vic, good point on having a different mfgr. for the backup system.
Realistically how sufficient would be the Garmin Aera for a backup set of flight instruments. Those of you with 3/4/696's what are your thoughts? For $800 you get a PFD, GPS and all the extras. Plus I am pretty sure my business needs a GPS so it's tax deductible to boot. Of course, the Aera would only be sufficient for an in-flight failure backup that is TO LAND. One of the items Brantel posted would work for take off and landing.
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For VFR, that would work just fine (that is all I have, 1 EFIS and a 296 GPS) for IMC (any IMC), I would not consider the GPS as my primary backup. For IMC get a real EFIS in there as a backup, too many low cost options out there!!!

For VFR I have hardly even looked at my AI part of my EFIS....My IAS was way off during the first few flights and the GPS helped with that....
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What is a skyview?

If its not an autopilot then my philosphy is to have some added functionality in your backup instrumentation..For this reason I put in a Trutrak Pictorial pilot and the thing is a marvel.

Much nicer to cruise cross country with and will keep you sunny side up if you need it.

If its not an autopilot then my philosphy is to have some added functionality in your backup instrumentation..For this reason I put in a Trutrak Pictorial pilot and the thing is a marvel.

Much nicer to cruise cross country with and will keep you sunny side up if you need it.


SkyView is Dynon's latest EFIS system. It's new and not without bugs that need to be worked out.
The "secret" key combination is buttons 1,2, and 5 at the same time. This will reboot a SkyView system at any time, no matter the software state. The only reason it isn't in the manual is a combination of forgetfulness and not knowing if we would ever need it in the field, but it was designed in from the very beginning in case it was ever needed.

The boot up issue is one we have heard of once or twice and are working on, but it has nothing to do with the operational stability of the system. It just means that when it first started to boot it missed a device. We have never once heard of one hanging once it was running.

If it happens to you often (and twice in a day is very often), we'd like to have the unit here to do some work on that seems to relieve the issue, since this appears to only happen on a select few, very special units. You should not have to deal with a unit that you wonder if it will boot up when you go out to your plane.

I realize that may not be enough to make you confident, and in that case, I have a D6 to sell you for $1600 :)
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That's why I like Dynon. The MFG comes on and explains what's up with the product. That is really appreciated! I know other MFG's here do the same. And I for one don't let it go unnoticed. Thank you Dynon. Keep up the good work.

It is a big concern to have my Skyview hang on startup. Understand this happened at 0930 CDT, When I called Dynon it was 0730 PDT (I went to high school in Washington and college in Seattle by the way). I figured there was no way I would get an answer. At the time I just wanted to know how to power down as the battery backup was keeping the screen alive. Mike from Dynon answered and was great. Knowing that you have never had a screen hang once booted is a big relief. It does underscore the necessity for back just in case though.

As far as the 1,2,5 reset, I didn't mean that Dynon was hiding any thing. Just I didn't have that info in my Pilot User Guide. I am sure there some sequence that pulls up some pics of some hot chick too.

I am going to wait and see if this happens again (3rd time) before I send in my unit. Today it happened twice both times I was powering my bus with a power supply and not from the battery. I don't think that would be an issue, however I want to rule that out completely. The power supply was at 13.2 volts according to SkyView. I did switch to ships power (12.2v) and the backup battery indicated 0.0v. I will look into that issue tomorrow.

As far as backup, I think I am going to go with a Garmin Aera, which was my plan previously. Once I get some additional $$ I will add my second SkyView. I watched the online video today of SkyView 2.0 and see that there is some solid redundancy in the new version when using dual displays.

I am bumping this thread instad of starting a new one.

I intend to use a GRT sport single screen wth GRT autopilot. Since I want my ship to be IFR capable, and safe, I need to backup the GRT. These are the backup options that I am considering:

1. Steam guage alt, a/s, and turn and bank.

2. Dynon 6 or 10 (approx $1600)

3. MGL extreme (can't figure out exactly the cost as I need it configured)

4. MGL single instrument for as,alt,bank (same cost issue as above)

5. Garmin 396 which will be installed anyway in lieu of GRT second screen

6. TT gemini if it is done in time and is cost effective

7. Something I have not thought of yet that you might suggest

8. A combination of the above

I would very much appreciate thoughts and suggestions
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GRT Horizon with

TT AP, D6, and G496 for mine. I flew simulated IMC on my 496 for 20+ minutes with a CFI on my BFR. Great backup for getting me to vfr conditions.
Electronics have come a long way in reliability,..... installing a Glass Panel here and have parts of AFS and TruTrak already in... and will probably go with VP-X as well, so I?m a believer. Redundancy and backup is a good thing however.

Hoping that these black boxes don?t go as far as the GM OnStar where they can shut down your ignition remotely !!

Backup airspeed, altitude, and attitude.

I am installing a single GRT HX.

My backups are 2-1/4" mechanical airspeed, altimeter, and TruTrak ADI.
Just some info

Just some info on the Gemini series. It's still under development right now. Check with us at Sun n Fun and AirVenture for the latest releases. Introductory pricing will be as follows:

Gemini ADI - $1000
Gemini PFD - $1300
Gemini EMS - $1500

Sorry for the lack of update on the website, I'm working on it slowly but surely. :)
3. MGL extreme (can't figure out exactly the cost as I need it configured)

Not sure what you mean with "configured".

Price in the U.S. is $1100 including the GPS antenna.
That's all you need for a backup (with GPS based AHRS and full primary flight and GPS navigation).

Other items can be added depending on what you want - you can add magnetic compass, a variety of AHRS sensors, several types of engine monitoring modules, even a VPX...

But for a full, all singing and dancing backup, base price is all you need. Not bad for a 4.2" EFIS at all...

CEO MGL Avionics
FWIW I have the Dynon 100 EFIS and D10 EMS. They have both worked very well for two years now. However, my philosophy is that ALL electronic and computer devices fail-just a question of when. With that in mind I have a Garmin 396 but also have steam gauges (airspeed, altimeter, mechanical
tach, oil pressure). I figure I can fly the airplane and land safely with those gauges alone if needed.

Peter K
9A-275 hrs
Going Glass here but....

Here is proof that we have become too dependent on our computers:


Are you Male or female?

To find out the answer,

Look down..
























"Look Down", dammit, not "Scroll Down"!
Just some info on the Gemini series. It's still under development right now. Check with us at Sun n Fun and AirVenture for the latest releases. Introductory pricing will be as follows:

Gemini ADI - $1000
Gemini PFD - $1300
Gemini EMS - $1500

Sorry for the lack of update on the website, I'm working on it slowly but surely. :)

I am in for the gemini PFD. I am going to pull out the backup airspeed and plop that puppy in. With the exception of power, it is already plumbed.