Rear panel

Hi, I have been working on a rear panel in order to mount an iPad. Using an Levil Aviation unit that will give me flight instruments and gps for the rear seat. I have a template, BUT I suggest that before investing too much time and effort, check that there is satisfactory knee clearance for getting in and out. I have a template, but still undecided.
No template, but...

Does anyone have a template for an instrument panel for the rear seat?

I don?t have a template for a back seat instrument panel, but I do have a photo of my solution:


I mounted a ram ball mount to the back of front seat them use a short arm to hold my ipad in a generic mount. The ipad is running Foreflight
Think about head and face impact back there. Strictly opinion, but...

The iPad doesn't look to bad, and gets better if the mount is easily collapsed; no struts please. The standard EFIS appears to put the knobs in just the right place for eye damage as the head swings forward and down. The riveted aluminum box looks like a face smasher. It's just too close for the belts to be an effective restraint.
Does anyone have a template for an instrument panel for the rear seat?

I have a solution similar to John (aka LuckyDuck)

If you have an EFIS system which integrates with a tablet, then a simple RAM ball mount is an easy “future-proof” solution.

I have the G3X Touch as my main system and when I have a person in back, I put an iPad with the X-Grip mount and short arm on the ball mount. This give the person in back a moving map, synthetic vision and EFIS wirelessly driven from the G3X Touch.

When not in use, the bare ball mount is a non issue for egress. To Dan’s observations, the passenger will reach the extents of their seatbelts or hit the pilot seat support bar. If they did hit the tablet, it will flatten against the back of the pilot seat.
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Here's what I have. NO problems as far as knees getting in and out of the back seat, but I definitely include avoiding the knobs of the G3x during ingress briefing. My passengers have all unequivocally stated how much they like having the information back there and with the G3x, the pilot-passengers really have the ability to do a lot.
