
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I'm looking at used RV-4's and RV-8's.

According to the Van's web site the -8 has about 6" more space for and aft for the cockpits.

Regarding the -4:

I'm wondering how comfortable the back seat is for a pax over a 2-3 hour XC for someone who is 5'4" and 120lbs. So we're talking smaller than the sea level standard FAA adult.

And experience with this wold be helpful

I've been in the back of a -4 for about an hour at a time. That is about enough for me, but I'm prone to claustrophobia, so I would say it completely depends on the personality.
My girlfriend is 5-4 and 110. We have flown 2:15 legs and she has not complained at all. She sits on a pillow so she can see over the canopy skirt. Occasionally she nods off back there.
Back Seat Comfort

My wife, 130lbs, 5'5" has repeatedly flown backseat in my 4 for 6 years. We typically make stops every 2-2 1/2 hrs for restroom/stretch legs. She has no problem with it. In fact, she loves the 4 for fast travel and enjoys tracking on IPad mini w/foreflight assisting as backup, reading, playing games while listening to music.
One of the best mods you can make to enhance rear seat comfort in a four are putting in foot wells. That and building a "wedge" base under the foot cushion to elevate the front to more nearly align with the thighs.

Frankly I think the back could be more comfortable than the front....
PIREP from my BIB

I put footwells in mine, and my BIB is just short of 6' tall. Never complains of any discomfort at all and we fly a lot. I tried to make it fit me during the build, and Im 6'1". I rounded all the sharp edges at the roll bar weldment (knees are close if your tall) and put armrest/sidewall covers over the flap arms,so they are hidden. Added a console with a fresh air vent in the rear stick well that keeps the air moving.

Your wife is small enough that the -4 will be fine. My wife is 5'7" and kinda likes it back there. Never a complaint of space. Maybe temperature or turbulence but that's another story. :)
One of the best mods you can make to enhance rear seat comfort in a four are putting in foot wells. That and building a "wedge" base under the foot cushion to elevate the front to more nearly align with the thighs.

Frankly I think the back could be more comfortable than the front....

I take it that footwells are installable on a finished build? Anything have to be removed?

Your wife is small enough that the -4 will be fine. My wife is 5'7" and kinda likes it back there. Never a complaint of space. Maybe temperature or turbulence but that's another story. :)

Hi Sid. She's 5'4", 120. Sounds like it would work.

I hear you on the turbulence though..she is not claustrophobic but she is susceptible to car/air sickness if she tries to read.

I take it that footwells are installable on a finished build? Anything have to be removed?
You can add them to a finished build no problem. The only potential issue is if you have an autopilot servo installed. The traditional location for mounting the roll servo will likely cause a problem. But there is enough room to make one fit (I know because I just added one) but like most things on the -4 it is tight.

There are dimensions and plans floating around in the fairly early issues of the RVator that show how Paul McDaniel (I think that was who) did that in his -4. He won Grand Champion back when more basic airplanes without $100K of avionics seemed to win so he did something right.

I can't emphasize enough what a difference this makes - its all about the geometry of the feet,ankle, legs for the backseater. Well worth the effort.

As a bonus in doing the upgrade you only modify the forward floorboard (where the pilot's seat is) so you only have one pice to paint when done. And it is totally removable. So it not all that bad a deal.
My wife has plenty of time in the back of an -8 (including a few 6+ hour days) and finds it plenty comfortable. We have less time in the Rocket, but I can tell you that the footwells help a bunch. Also, get her up as high as possible, and focus on the upper thigh support in the seat bottom. Many airplanes simply throw some foam against the aluminum and call it done - but very slight changes in ergonomics go a long way (both good and bad).

Concerning the servo installation - mine is in front of the spar under the left "step" and attaches to the bottom of the torque tube. This is a Rocket, however - don't know if this is possible with a -4.
My wife is 5' 4" and never complains. She likes to put her bare feet on my lap and I message her feet on long flights. You can't do that in a 7 LOL
SCAT/Air for backseat

I put the NACA duct in the lower skin of the R/H wing (I have been told -8 has this in plans) and ran the SCAT through the existing wing rib holes, then enlarged the cutout for the aileron pushrod in the "tunnel" and made a 90 degree turn aft where it then mates to a vent in a simple stick console. I have made pictures for others, but I'd have to find where I have them. It really puts out some good air.
Built (or modified) properly, the back seat of a 4 (or Rocket) is much more comfortable than the front seat.

Foot wells are helpful, a seat wedge under the butt is good, and beveling the protruding sheet metal off of the pilot seat back REALLY helps to keep knees happy.

Finish off with a bit of upholstery to keep the cold/heat out and mama should be very pleased.

I did all of these things to my RV-4 and to my Rocket. Photos of the Rocket are scattered throughout

Hope this helps someone!
I'm 6ft, 195lbs and found the back seat in my RV-4 pretty comfortable after about an hr of flying. I haven't tried longer but agree that the back is more comfortable. The footwells make a HUGE difference. 120# should be no problem at all, but I recommend flying morning or evenings to minimize the turbulence in the summer.
RV-4 Travel

I have an RV-4 and the front is fairly comfortable (5'10") but the back seat is another story. It's a standard size back seat with NO footwells. The first RV ride I had was in a -4 & it got me hooked but it also had no footwells. When I bought my -4 near Atlanta, my buddy flew me down in his -4 with no footwells and I was so ready to get out of that plane.

What's the common denominator here- you guessed it, rear seat footwells. If you want to make your wife happy buy an -8 if you can afford it. If a -4 is better suited to your budget then buy it and put in rear footwells and your wife will be happy.

I recently rode in a buddy's RV-4 with the rear seat footwells and the difference is incredible. It's like riding in a totally different airplane. Stretching your legs out in the back makes long flights possible. I do have the roll servo in the right floor and am trying to figure out where to move it because the rear footwells are on my 'to do' list.
