
Hi all. Beating a dead horse, but it finally happened. Victim of the dreaded 100LL spill on the rear window. Immediately started to craze. RV -12 is 2011. Is there a new plexiglass window, or is Vans still using Lexan? For 9 years we?ve been so good and cautious, but the dreaded fast pump and then belch did me in. Thanks for any input.
Yes, Van?s does sell a formed acrylic rear window. I think they do not use Lexan on new Rv-12?s. I switched mine out last spring.
You might find someone who is changing out Lexan for new Plexiglass where old Lexan is still in good shape. That's what I did. Now I fuel with FLO FAST hand pump for Mogas and no more splashing. Lexan is not a problem for me...
I would like to see Van's offer an aluminum kit to replace the rear window. So far I have avoided splashing on the lexan but have had some exciting moments filling that tank.
You can buy a sheet of Lexan at Home Depot and use the old one as a pattern That was original intent, but I figured I?d just be replacing it again in a few years so I bit the bullet and bought the new formed acrylic back window. No issues in 4 years and I have had occasional spills.
The original lexan window was made from Macrolon, which has a protective coating that Home Depot material likely won?t have.
That is why the edge and edge of holes was the main points that were vulnerable (no coating on the edges)
Macrolon is used a lot by NASCAR. That caused an assumption that it would do ok, but service experienced showed that acrylic would be a better choice.
If my turtle deck on my 2nd hand RV-12 is tinted from the Van's factory, what's it made out of, material wise?
The tinted windows were manufactured by a third party and for reasons unknown quit producing the part. They were made of acrylic.
Thanks all. For now we are just gonna keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn?t get worse. Next annual in Jan we will deal with a replacement. Crazy how fast the window started to craze. Like a dummy I didn?t have any water or towel to protect the window like I usually do. There have been minor spills before on it, but this time it got me. Wondering if it?s a combo of things that made it craze this time. It was a little hot (not bad 80 degrees F) it was out in the sun (while we had breakfast) and then the spill. Oh well lesson learned (expensive lesson). Fly safe