
Well Known Member
I hate to admit that I've been away from my build for 2.5 years. I guess it happens to many of us. I reviewed my build log and realized I haven't worked on my 7A since December of 08 and that was after a lull at that time of 5 months. I took a few flights with friends but, intense work travel and substantial salmon fishing kept my build idle. I've been far too busy at my job which consists of developing the Navy's BAMS UAS (131 foot wing span unmanned aircraft system). I kept active with home building in my EAA chapter where we have built or are building 4 other airplanes during the time (currently building a Zenith 601, Hummel Ultra Cruiser and a Fisher).

I've been reviewing service bulletins and getting my shop back in order and tonight, I'm finally back at it. I don't have much left to do before it goes to paint: install the top front skin and glass in the windshield, install my ELT antenna and add my brake lines. I may take the time to do the wheel pants and gear leg fairings before paint. In all, I guess I have about 150 hours of work before paint and then on to final assembly (not counting the gear fairings.) Hopefully there will be a candy apple red RV-7A flying in PA this year.

Most of the hardwork is done: engine, baffels, cowling and prop are all complete and awaiting final assembly. Canopy is complete except for glassing in the windshield after the top skin is riveted. The panel and all wiring is complete and all smoke stayed in the wires. I'm taking the next 10 days off to pound away.

Hi, to all my old friends on VAF; is Alpinelakes2000 flying yet?

What's the latest on gear leg intersection fairings these days?

Hi, to all my old friends on VAF; is Alpinelakes2000 flying yet?
Funny you should question that Jekyll! My wife and kids have been wondering the same thing!:eek: Good to see you're still around--just a couple weeks ago, as I was messing with my ground block location, I was wondering.

Actually, your situation and mine sound very similar. The last 2.5 years have slowed to a crawl due to work, kids getting older, coaching soccer, basketball, etc. Plus, at our stage of the build, taking time away from the project means lots of time getting up to speed later. It's not like when we were banging away on the airframe. Then you could stop and pick things up whenever you wanted and not lose any time re-learning things or figuring out where you were. Boy do I miss those days. I've never once thought I wasn't going to get done, but it has sure been easy to get out of the habit of being in the garage every day! Even monitoring the forum regularly takes more time than I seem to have on a daily basis.

That said, your description of your project status and mine still sounds like we're at exactly the same spot. The only thing I can say is that the gear fairings have been fit and the wheel pant halves mated. And, just yesterday, finally making it to my Christmas break and away from classes, got my shop (garage) cleaned up enough to build again. Should we race to the finish?!
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