
Well Known Member
Hi All,

About 6 weeks ago, I posted about looking for rides in -7(A)'s and -9(A). Dan Landry was nice enough to take me for a spin in his -7A, and I had a blast.

Fast forward to now. The workshop is almost complete, I'm buying up tools on here, eBay, CraigsList, etc., and I need to make a decision. I priced out insurance, thinking it would be a determining factor, and the difference is negligible. After talking to Bill Repucci, he said it would be a good idea to try to arrange back to back flights in a -9(A) and a -7(A). I'm located just north of Tampa, but I'd be willing to drive wherever, if I could make it happen.

If anyone would be able to help me arrange this sort of demo, please let me know! Feel free to send me a message here, or send me an e-mail to dad (at) devdad (dot) com.

Hi Mike,
Next weekend is the annual RV flyin at Lakeland.
Someone going should be able to give you a ride in a 9.
I could get you another ride in my 7A or you can get someone else with a 7A to get another comparision.
Keep in touch.

I didn't realize it was next weekend. I will be there! Let me know if you need a co-pilot. ;)

Not a bad idea

But there are a couple of determining factors.

1) RV 7 is a little faster (with an 0320 maybe a little slower as I believe the Rv9 wing is a bit more efficient) with a bigger motor.

2) RV7 is aerobatic.

#2 is the big one really...I.e if you want to do acro go with the 7. If you want cross country efficiency go with the 9.

Apparently the 9 is the favourite cross country machine for the VAN's guys when they fly away to the big events...Just what i heard 4th hand.

Frank 7a
If the weather gods are smiling, I will be there in my -9. My buddy Gerry Chancey will probably also be there in his -9.

I'll be looking for ya! I'm excited to see your airplane, whether I get to take a spin or not!


I didn't realize it was next weekend. I will be there! Let me know if you need a co-pilot. ;)


Hi Mike,
Keep in touch towards the middle of next week.
Not sure whether my son will be going. Otherwise, I'd be happy to have you ride with me.
Hi Mike,
Keep in touch towards the middle of next week.
Not sure whether my son will be going. Otherwise, I'd be happy to have you ride with me.


Will do. It looks the "back to back" action is shaping up! I will shoot you an e-mail mid-week. What are you up to this weekend?


Will do. It looks the "back to back" action is shaping up! I will shoot you an e-mail mid-week. What are you up to this weekend?


Hi Mike,
Tomorrow I'm bushogging some areas of our property, then I'll be watching the Patriots beat up on Jax. I also have to replace a comm cable due to a low transmit issue I've been having.

Sunday, I'll be flying with another pilot to give him some RV stick time. We had flown to GA last weekend but he didn't get any flying time due to some rain on the return trip. These planes are amazing.

If the RV flyin doesn't work, maybe we can do something else. Sebring has their LSA flyin on the weekend also & I have Monday off too.
Either way, we'll get you back up next weekend.