That's a great idea, but since Dynon built the D-1 I would think a GPS driven solution that is also battery powered would be more then sufficient for the GIB.
I opted for a RAM mounted iPad that is attacked to the back of the pilot seat. It provides moving map, flight plan, a GPS derived "six pack", or a movie :)
I built an instrument panel with a 7" Dynon Skyview display for my GIB. See page 12 (or somewhere around there) of the RV-8/8A show my panel thread.

The thin profile and full functionality of Dynon SV made this an easy choice. If I were to do it again I'd probably tilt the panel about 15 degrees but it works great as is.

Good luck
Gib avionics

I put a Garmin 510 on the back of my seat for my gib. It stops the are we there yet thing. Plus a back seater can opt for the six pack page if they are flyning. They all love it.
Mgll avionics has a video out on their Efis products, so any display can be used, like one out of a car.

An iPad or iPad mini, with fore flight and a stratus ads-b would be a good gib set up. If they got tired of airplane stuff, they could play games, etc. Plus, you could carry it around to other planes. You can also use the forefligt on another iPad and an iPhone for the front seat! Of course, all of them also get connected to the ads-b.
One company has an engine monitor that will blue tooth to an iPod wireless. Maybe the primary flight display companies could try that as well. I got a D-1 in my bonanza as a back up. I plan to use it in the back of the 8 for now.
GRT Avionics

At Sun-N-Fun last year GRT Avionics said one could have an Android driven tablet and use an app with wifi to make it a repeater (on their HX models). I have this ready to go on my 8, just waiting for the app and USB wifi plug-in to the back of the HX. They say it's suppose to be out any day now, but I have been holding my breath for a while. What's the latest Carlos?
So I saw this airplane on trade-a-plane

And I was curious how many people put avionics for the GIB and how dificult it is.

Wife (commercial pilot) and I have generally flown as a "crew" whenever we've gone cross-country in other aircraft, so I designed the rear cockpit instrument panel of our 8A-to-be with EIS (GRT I didn't need up front), D10A, 696 and some standby instruments. Built a bracket for a SL30 mounted sideways and tied it all together using FastStack bundles. Complete with fully functional stick grip and three-lever quadrant. D10A had to be "accomodated"--may be the first to go because it's really just a fancy AI. Overkill? Yup. Will it work? We'll see. Bob Rathburn
Levil AHRS

I was planning on mounting my ipad to the back of the seat and using the Levil AHRS with pitot static imputs to provide a full 'synthetic vision' display using certain apps. The ipads built in gps allows for course guidance, route tracking, and a reference for the synthetic vision display. The front seater would still need to work freqs and squawks but in the mean time there is plenty information displayed for the back seater to maintain aircraft control and navigate even through IMC. Additionally, I'd like the back seater to control the mp3 music selection into the audio panel for their entertainment on trips. While I prefer to fly using outside references, I think I would be comfortable flying from the back with a less experienced guy up front using this type of display if I was going to take friends flying. Thoughts?
Here is a backseat display I made a couple years ago. It pulls the data off the Dynon D100 series. Pretty simple LCD display.

I was planning on mounting my ipad to the back of the seat and using the Levil AHRS with pitot static imputs to provide a full 'synthetic vision' display using certain apps. The ipads built in gps allows for course guidance, route tracking, and a reference for the synthetic vision display. The front seater would still need to work freqs and squawks but in the mean time there is plenty information displayed for the back seater to maintain aircraft control and navigate even through IMC. Additionally, I'd like the back seater to control the mp3 music selection into the audio panel for their entertainment on trips. While I prefer to fly using outside references, I think I would be comfortable flying from the back with a less experienced guy up front using this type of display if I was going to take friends flying. Thoughts?

I like that. So I started looking into that with WingX Pro 7 (which I use) and my iPad 2. Their new iLevil should be pretty sweet with this setup. Even allows for the future possibility of monitoring engine instruments. My question is wether it could be streamed to multiple devices, i.e. could the GIB have the iPad while i have an iPhone mounted up front for a back up ADI? Probably says it somewhere on their site, I just didn't find it.