
Active Member
The plans just call for the aft two rivets to be back riveted. Why not back rivet the whole top skin? Anyone done this.

Probably Intended

I think this is one of those places where Vans expects the builder to know this can / should be done.

$0.02 FWIW.

Good luck and congrats on your progress!

If you’re referring to page 21-09 fig 3 you’ll notice that the bottom flange has two cut outs to allow for a backriveting set to access those two rivets on the top flange. I believe the reasoning is that it would be difficult to buck those last two rivets in limited space. You could figure out a way to back rivet all of them. I just bucked the rest and they turned out ok. Don’t try and muscle the rib over to use a regular backriveting set to access the rest. It won’t end well.
Don’t try and muscle the rib over to use a regular backriveting set to access the rest. It won’t end well.

I concur. I've given up back-riveting except in cases where I can completely guarantee I can hold the set exactly perpendicular to the surface. I've drilled out too many slanted rivets that I tried to back-rivet with the hand-held back-rivet bucking bar.