
After a few months delay my finish kit finally arrived a couple of weeks back, but unfortunately with quite a number of back ordered parts, meaning I cant actually start any section or building at all. :(

After chasing up Vans for an ETA it seems almost all of the b/o parts are now in stock or will be in the next week or so, aside from the nose wheel fork which they say should be due sometime in August - However they will only ship all the parts in stock now if I pay additional shipping charges, unless I choose to wait until August or whenever the nose fork arrives be in stock and which they will then ship everything together for free.

Maybe this is normal??, but I find it pretty disappointing after paying in advance in full for the kit plus nearly $2K in international shipping costs to then have to pay out again to ship missing parts so I can actually do anything!
Yes it can be frustrating when there is expensive international shipping involved!

Is there an option for Vans to send all the available backorder parts now free of charge, and for you to pay only for shipping the fork when it is available? At that stage you might want or need to add in some extra items anyway. ;)

At least you could get started, since the fork won't be needed just yet.