
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Thanks to everyone that wished us well here in Houston with the onset of Rita. We were incredibly fortunate - but are very well aware that the good fortune comes at a great price to someone else. In this case, the East Texas coast and West Louisianna coast became the target. I have been so busy with my own city today that I haven't had a chance to see the details of what hapened this morning, but the emergency community here in Houston will surely contribute whatever we can to those folks.

As a volunteer fireman, I have sepnt the last 36 hours preparing our city and then hunkering down through the storm to make sure that people have a place to come back to . As soon as I was free this afternoon, I headed to the airport to check on my birds. Thankfully, both the RV-8 and my trusty Grumman came through with no damage at all, as I expected once Rita decided to graze us to the east.

Thansk again to all who expressed support, and offered help - what a great community! :)

Paul Dye
Glad you faired well through that awful mess. Our prayers go out to those less fortunate. Hope all the RV families are OK.

Great news, Paul!

Very happy that all the stuff you had to deal with wasn't tragic (the news showed some pretty horrible damage east of Houston). It drizzled for about 5 minutes up here in DFW, but it looked very ominous to the east.

When things settle down get back on that 8 - Danny, Ross, Jay and I are coming down to visit!

Oh, and thanks for being a volunteer fireman. Good on ya!

That's good news, Paul.
I trust all the NASA family at JSC came out okay after Rita came through. This is going to be one of those years we'll remember for a long time...Katrina, Rita, STS-114 Return ot Flight, Constellation Program announcement, your RV-8 ready to fly...
Best wishes,
MSFC/Huntsville, AL
I'm glad to hear you and the birds faired well

I don't mean that they are faired well, though the RV may not even be faired at all yet. Oh, heck, now even I'm confused.

I hope that others felt the same luck as you. Get that thing in the air and then, if you would be so kind; post a video (my three year old requests one with music).

I'm glad you are ok.
