
A little story and a big thanks to Doug and all!

About a year ago I had to sell my 8 emp due to family circumstance. Thought the dream was dead and almost sold all the tools...

So as these things go, the family circumstances changed... decided to move from Southern CA to Eugene OR....cheaper living :D vs. RAIN :mad: . Oh well, dun deal.

So we packed most of our stuff on Christmas day 2006. Dec 26th, woke at 3:15AM to smoke alarms, that's right the house was on fire! Got out with minutes to spare, wearing only boxer shorts. :eek: Luckily every one including pets survived. House, not so much.

So we salvaged what we could and moved, oh yea, U-Haul broke down en route :mad:

Needless to say the stress of moving, fire, broken truck, new job, buying first house and dealing with the rainy winter up here was taking it's toll.

Now the point of all this is to say thanks to Doug and all of the members here for creating such a great community. Through all this mess, I kept checking in and reading the posts trying to stay connected. Dougs photos on the home page really served as inspiration to keep the dream alive.

So the good news is...... wait for it...... on Friday I drove up to Vans and picked up my bran' spankin' new RV-8 tail kit...Woooooo Hooooo! :D

Spent the weekend counting, and drilling, and clecoin'. And yes I'm happy as a Pig in Poo. :D

Thanks again to all for creating a great extended RV family. Without it I might just have sold them tools.


Great story and good to hear you still have the dream! Come by and see us if you're ever in the neighborhood and let us know how to find you so we can look you up when we're in the land of the Duck!
Hey Peter

Your just down the road, I'm in Corvallis!

Just got back from the South West, trees I love my trees...:)

Frank 7a
Way to hang in there, Peter! If you're ever in Dallas look me up - dinner and a ride in Flash is on me. If I'm ever in Eugene expect a call with the same offer.

Best and congrats again,
Stop by the Creswell airport (about 5 miles south on I-5) some time. Lots of RV's (6 or 7 I think), lots of builders, and people always willing to help out. A typically friendly RV community. Look forward to meeting you.


I'm based at Eugene. You'll find me in my RV-6 at Creswell Airport a couple of times a week. I'll take this opportunity to invite you to the EAA Chapter 31 meeting at the clubhouse on the south end of Creswell Airport, Wednesday April 4. 6:00PM -7:00PM is hamburgers and social hour and the meeting starts at 7:00PM. I'd be happy to meet you. Come and join us! Meetings are on the first Wednesday each month.
You'll be glad to know your tail kit was built to perfection in 2 months and is displayed proudly in my house now! Good to hear you building again!
Peter, welcome to Oregon.

Don't think of it as raining outside, but perfect building weather inside. ;)

Welcome back, Peter. You kicked butt in the SportAir workshop...your -8 will be great!