
Absolutely awesome. Congrats. to you and your wife.

btw - baby poo washes out of clothes, pro seal does not. Are your tanks holding? :eek::eek::eek:
Congratulations Phil. It might smell like it but it sure don't work as well hope you don't get the two mixed up. Get the kid out in the shop as soon as possible for her naps around the plane and make it part of her life.
Babies are supposed to leak. Fuel tanks are not!
DO NOT get the two mixed up. It would be very bad on both sides.
That is very funny Mel

Babies are supposed to leak. Fuel tanks are not!
DO NOT get the two mixed up. It would be very bad on both sides.

Congrats Phil. Now watch you life pass before your eyes!

Congrats Phil, to you and Mom, and welcome Arya!

The difference between baby poo and a parent, you really won't mind getting one of them on your fingers at 3am! :)

All the best!!


PS: Mel, that was funny!!

She's a beautiful little girl. Congratulations on your new family member. Kids add a wonderful dimension to life that can't be replaced by anything else. In a few years she can buck rivets for you.:D
Be careful!

Congrats on the completion of family-3. If you don't have one, you don't know what you are missing. Only bad thing is the 30+ year fly off requirement. I wish it were longer. I'm gonna miss my boys when they move out!

I believe baby poo is the only substance that, in the US, Uncle Sam will still allow to be shipped without a HAZMAT label or charge! If interested, check with Tim at Spruce. I'm sure he can come up with a way and an extra charge to ship it.
Phil, the title of your post made me laugh out loud this morning. That meconium is hard to wipe off. :)

My son is 16 months old now. Enjoy the infant doesn't last long!
Congrats Phil. As others have said, do be careful and don't mix them up. I keep my Proseal in the fridge. Probably not a good idea for the other stuff... :)
Thanks guys

Thanks all! We're having a blast... this is even more rewarding than building.

In a few years she can buck rivets for you.
Not unless I build another RV! I only have a few rivets left on my -9A :) I could be fooling myself now that my life is changing, but I still hope to be doing first flight in Summer 2010.
Just when you finish one, time to start another. what a great excuse for a repeat offender. I see a RV10 in your future. I got a family of 5, but the wife won't fly with me, something about risk, so a RV10 is my dream.

Johnny Stick
RV10 wannabe
Congrats Phil! Before you know it, she will be asking for the car keys and rolling her eyes at you. All while you chase boys away from the front door! Oh....and lets not even begin to talk about the credit card! And the cellphone. And the new shoes every week it seems....:eek:

I consider myself an expert on the matter.......Three girls and a boy, and they all inherited their mother's good looks and brains! They have learned from their mother how to keep me wrapped around their little fingers.....:confused:

But seriously, Congrats Phil. Enjoy and savor the journey of parenthood. Nothing beats it.
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Congrats! You're in for a great ride!

Remember, left-over baby stuff can be used in the shop: small palstic baby food tubs make great nuts and bolt containers, and the plastic wipes containers work well for clecos!

BTW, two-words of advice: Diaper Jeanie1
Yep, we have a Diaper Genie in Arya's room. We have yet to use it really, since she hasn't been in her room really.

Before you know it, she will be asking for the car keys

I'm surprised you didn't say the PLANE KEYS! Every parent has to one day deal with the car-key question. As airplane owners who are parents, we have a rather unique twist on this.