
Well Known Member
Hi VAF folks,

This post is long overdue, I have been mega-busy preparing B-KOO for her round the world (RTW) journey, and I am finally ready.

Since her first flight in Nov 2015, we spent 6 months trying to get approval to flight test in Hong Kong but failed. We then dissembled the aircraft and air freight it to Queensland, Australia, under a new registration "VH-FSX". After 40 hours of flight test, I did a trial flight to Adelaide and met up with Jon Johanson, the man who inspired me to build my own RV and fly it around the world. The aircraft yield an amazing 23 litres/hour at 45% at 135kts, thanks to Catto. With this figure, I work out I can fly for 19 hours non-stop with bladder tank installed.

I ferried the aircraft back to Hong Kong in 7 days, route via Birdsville and Broome in Australia. First international and overwater segment to Bali, Indonesia, then to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, to Clark, Philippines, and finally home at Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department allow the plane to re-register to B-KOO, upon completion, it will be the first "B" registered aircraft flies around the world. We are departing Hong Kong tomorrow, route via Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Vanuatu, American Samoa, Kiribati, Hawaii, Conus, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, England, France, Italy, Greece, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, Pakistan, India, Thailand, China then Hong Kong.

If any VAF members around, I would love to visit you guys! I will try my best to update you as I go. At this stage, the plan is as followed (U.S.):
September 14 - 16 Hilo, HI
16 - 18 KSQL
18 KJAQ and KSAC
22 - 23 Seattle Area
24 KBFI to KRAP (or vicinity)
25 KRAP (or vicinity)
26 KRAP to KOSH (or vicinity)
27 KOSH to Toronto
28 Toronto to KCDW
29-30 KCDW
01OCT KCDW - Boston - North East U.S. for departure to Canada.

Hope I get a chance to meet some of you enroute!
Photos of Ferry Flight from Australia to Hong Kong

All packed ready to go.

Australia is BIG! Takes two days to fly across. First stop after 6 hours flight: Birdsville. The hotel is literally across the apron, 30 seconds walk. You get beer and AVGAS at the bar.

Not too lonely with a couple of Cessnas to keep her companied.


A very Aussie pub

A map of Australia at the pub. In the middle of the map, it's full of warnings "No water, no gas, no civilisation"

Leaving Birdsville

Over the "Simpson Desert"

For this and the upcoming RTW journey, we have an operation center in Hong Kong, tracking the aircraft in real time and sends updated weather information to the RV.
Ferry Flight pHotos

These are Wallaby, not Kangaroo. I learnt that when I was a kid watching "Rocko's Modern Life" at Nickelodeon :)

GULP GULP GULP at Broome International

Fat boy took up the backseat completely. CG is a tricky business with Fat boy, need to load carefully and put weight in the front to keep it within the envelope, easiest way is not load it completely full as I rarely need 66 gallons + wing tanks.

First water crossing completed! Landed at Bali, Indonesia. Rather straight forward, tropical weather with daily rain storm after 2pm (we landed at 1:30pm)

Best Satay I ever had!

Taking off from Bali to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Crossing the ITCZ was a challenge, weather everywhere! I had to deviate, climb, descent, and at one point, turn around to avoid CBs. Sunrise was beautiful

You start to take notice where the ships are when you flying over the ocean. Note on the iPad where they are in case things goes wrong.

This is the type of CBs I had to avoid, and they are everywhere!

Finally, landed in Kota Kinabalu after 6.5 hours, greeted by Dragonair ground staff, who are super helpful and even took me out for dinner that evening.
Part 3

Sunrise over Kota Kinabalu, beautiful and stunning! MSA here is around 13000'

Landed in Clark, Philippines. Refuelling out of barrels of fuel was a challenge with a broken hand pump under the sun. Need to finish this before heat stroke. Note to self: bring hat and fuel pump.

Gary here flew in from Hong Kong to help out, it's a warm fuzzy feeling to have someone you know.

Never get bore with the sight. Final leg from RPLC to VHHH

Was able to hear Hong Kong Radar control 250nm out. It's great to hear their voice. I was cleared to 2000' 100nm out, and then down to 1000' just south of Hong Kong.

Great to be home!

Colin Parker, a CX captain and a professional photographer, snap this for me. I had to look real hard to spot myself.
good luck on your journey and keep us updated with pics and reports!
and great job with cutting all the red tape! persistence paying off :)
SQL visit


Glad to see you'll be stopping over in San Carlos, CA. I'll be happy to get you in to a hangar for your stay, help out if you need any services, oil change, etc. while you're there. PM or email me at gblanck _at_ blancks.com
Looking forward to seeing you next week in Queensland Hank.

Very best wishes,


(You should post the URL to your excellent website so the folks here can track your real-time progress.)
Wow, awesome photos!

Please post your US plans, I know there are several folks would like to meet up with you, myself included.

Outstanding adventure and an example of determination to build under so much regulation.

Will you be coming through Georgia, USA, by any chance?

Excellent achievement so far. Wishing you all the best for the journey ahead!

Do you have a tracking site?

KSQL San Carlos is my neighbourhood. It would be great to meet you when you arrive and recovered from the Pacific crossing.

Also glad to help if I can be of assistance here.
Let me know if you have to land anywhere in southeast Michigan on your Oshkosh to Toronto leg. I'd love to put you up and feed you while you're in the area.
I see you'll be stopping in my area on Sept 18th (KJAQ Jackson) and 19th (KSAC). As the dates approach, please lets us know what time you expect to arrive.

Very inspirational. Fly safe!
What a fantastic achievement in so many ways, and great photos too. Had a visit last week from an RV-12 builder who had just flown the Birdsville to Broome leg in his plane as part of a big loop west across the country and back to Melbourne via Perth. Flew my own 12 from Perth to near Melbourne and back in March this year. It's a big country for sure! Looking forward to following the rest of your travels around the world. All the very best.


Sorry taking me so long to reply. The Internet in the South Pacific is less than slow, I was hoping to post some photos of the trip so far but proven futile.

I just landed in Hilo, Hawaii yesterday. The weather is less than ideal for departure. Once the weather clears up, I will depart at midnight in order to arrive before sunset in KSQL.

At the current plan, I will be staying in KSQL for a couple of days, then to KJAQ to meet Craig Catto. I have to say, the trip is next to impossible without Craig's Prop. I told Craig my mission and he made me the most cruise efficient prop one can dream of. So I will be visiting him at Jackson, before I depart for Sacremento.

Next to Aurora to visit Van's, then Scappoose to visit Oregon Aero, and Mike Seager who taught me how to land a RV. Plan to arrive in the area on the 20th and stay for a day or two.

Next will head to KBFI to visit Dynon, and KPAE for the Boeing factory on 26th.

After that, will hop my way to Chicago, planned KDPA at this stage, and KOSH (I know I am late).

From KOSH, I wish to fly to Toronto but not sure how difficult is border crossing, and eventually end up in KCDW, where I used to live. Will stay there for 4-5 days, and plan to have the 100 hourly done there.

From Caldwell Nj, head north to KBED, then CIQ at KBGR. Our Atlantic crossing will be via CYYT to LPAZ then to Portugal.

That's the plan for now, I hope to get a chance to meet some of you along the way! There is a live tracker on bkoo.hk
This is truly inspiring, what a dedication and adventure.
Would love to meet you perhaps at KJAQ or KSAC
Will be tracking to see your arrival
Amen brudda...

You start to take notice where the ships are when you flying over the ocean. Note on the iPad where they are in case things goes wrong.

Amen on that one Hank!
32 single engine Atlantic crossings later I still notice boats, even on lakes! Add icebergs, aircraft issues and the ships start looking very friendly...:)
Have fun...you already are!
Way to go, Hank.........

Just imagine - if I hadn't helped you our with those couple of troublesome rivets a few years back, this might never have happened ;):D

Best wishes, mate.
Looking forward to seeing your adventure in future posts.
Really good to see your achievement.
What about Israel?

Flying over Jordan and not continue to Israel?????
We, the RV Squadron in Israel will be more than happy to welcome you to our beatuful country and all the holly places.....
Ariel Arielly

I just landed in Hilo, Hawaii yesterday. The weather is less than ideal for departure. Once the weather clears up, I will depart at midnight in order to arrive before sunset in KSQL.

I was in and out of Kona yesterday. The weather to the south didn't look great but the way eastbound across looked ok. I think I am flying again Sunday. I'll watch the tracker and see if you are crossing. Meet you on air to air.
I see you will pass France and Italy - not Germany. But this is close enough and I would like to meet you. I?m also happy to help with anything you might need.
Flying over Jordan and not continue to Israel?????
We, the RV Squadron in Israel will be more than happy to welcome you to our beatuful country and all the holly places.....
Ariel Arielly

I can attest that if you do make it to Israel that Ariel will take very good care of you. I had the pleasure of visiting with Ariel and his wife in 1999 (too many years ago!). But, there are many countries in this great world, and it isn't possible to stop in all of them.
that's a loooooong haul. may be fighting some wind. he deserves a beer or two.
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Hank arrived safe and sound at San Carlos this afternoon. He had quite a welcome from Cathay Pacific colleagues and other crew and friends.

I spoke to him briefly. Good flight from Hawaii with about 10 knot headwinds. The 14 hour flight meant he landed with only 5 hours reserve.

I believe he's having a few days break in California before continuing the journey.

Some photos of his arrival on https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6m6wa17VEsCSlZPTVJCLVFWWHM?usp=sharing
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Hank arrived safe and sound at San Carlos this afternoon. He had quite a welcome from Cathay Pacific colleagues and other crew and friends.

I spoke to him briefly. Good flight from Hawaii with about 10 knot headwinds. The 14 hour flight meant he landed with only 5 hours reserve.

I believe he's having a few days break in California before continuing the journey.

Some photos of his arrival on https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6m6wa17VEsCSlZPTVJCLVFWWHM?usp=sharing

ONLY 5 hours reserve, hahha
Big Thanks!

Hi VAF folks,

That was one long flight, while I can't say it's the most comfortable flight I've done, it's certainly a great experience, one that I will never forget. On my way from Hilo to CA, I kept myself busy with routines such as writing down all the engine parameters every half an hour, take note where all the ships are, eating and sipping water, plus the fear alone is already enough to keep myself awake.

I report every hour to San Francisco ARINC, so they know I am alive. For most of my trips, I have a team in Hong Kong tracking the aircraft via satellite, and we are able to communicate via text messages, which keeps me awake and motivated.

Fuel wise, I had 19 hour endurance if I fly at 45% power. Again, Craig's prop takes full credit for such amazing fuel economy. At 22L/HR, I landed with almost 5 hours reserve. Flight planning was based on 200% headwind, and 10% contingency for weather deviation. I was very lucky the wind was as forecasted, and the weather enroute was perfect, it was one straight line from Hilo to CA, no deviation required.

Seeing land after 14 hours was the best part of the trip (besides landing). NORCAL approach asked me how long was the trip from Hawaii to KSQL, I told her almost 15 hours, then I hear people at the back laughed. The landing was uneventful and to my surprise, a HUGE group of people were waiting at where I park, almost too many. My relatives, colleague, team members (4 of them flew from Hong Kong), aviation enthusiasts, and fellow RV aviators. Greg was extremely nice to loan me his hangar, where I will perform a 50 hourly check and oil change (*Thanks Greg!*)

I slide open the canopy and took a breathe of air, step off the RV, and kissed the ground. The longest part of the RTW journey is now behind me. This particular sector was the most critical leg of all, and I heard a lot of people waited for weeks for good weather AND suitable wind to make the crossing. To be able to stick to the schedule is a big bonus, hence I can enjoy my three full days R&R in California.

Next: Jackson to see Catto, and onward to Sacramento on the 21st.
22nd-23rd in Oregon
24th: KBFI
25-26th: KPAE
The First 1/6

Clark, Philippines: It's always wet! Rain did not stop at all during the 20 hours stay

The Philippines to Sabah, Malaysia: So many islands along the way, all of them looks like a perfect holiday spot.

Sabah, Malaysia: I budget one day at each destinations, to rest and to get a chance to experience. Here, the local fresh market

Departing from Sabah, heading to Bali. Mount Kota Kinabalu on the left, beautiful sunrise is the best reward for leaving early.

At 14000', on my way to Bali.

Broome, Australia

Dream come true, to fly my own airplane to see the famous "Uluru" Ayres Rock

Performing the 100 hourly check, getting her ready for the Pacific crossing

Beautiful night sky in Australia.
Awesome job

Hank, what an awesome achievement! I knew several years ago that you were building an 8, and heard of some long distance flights, but Hilo to CA is truely something.
I think some of us would be very interested in your build, and the preparations. Perhaps when your tour is completed, you could give us some of these details.

Hi Tom,

Absolutely! I would love to! With a bit of modification and preparation, the RV can do a lot. There are preparation involve of course, but not as much as one would think. Some extra fuel, healthy engine and good fuel economy will make it possible. There are a lot of red tapes and paperwork hurdles, but if we can build an airplane, I don't think this will stop anyone here from going.
Seattle Future of Flight

So I look out my office window at Dreamlifter Ops here in Everett WA, and who do I see on the ramp? Hank Cheng and his crew providing a tour at Boeing Future of Flight. Talk about a stroke of luck!

Thanks Hank to you and your crew for sharing your Inspiration with aviation groups in the Seattle area. You really are an inspiration to us all.

We wish you fair skies and tailwinds for the remainder of your round the world journey.

