Brian Perry

Active Member
I looked through the old posts but didn't find the answer to this particular question. My 390 Thunderbolt will be built in the April/May time frame and I am considering options. I would like to install something to make the oil changes a little easier and the B&C looks like a good choice. For those that have installed it, does it require any spacers for the 390? If so which spacer did you use?

By the way, Jeff at Lycoming said that if I send it to him, Lycoming will install it as part of the build process.
Yes, we have one in the shop now and it took a spacer for the oil filter adapter and another spacer for the standby alternator. B&C has a link to the correct configuration for your engine. If not, call and ask for TJ. He will help you.

I do like the Airwolf remote oil filter though and use it on my airplanes and have installed it on others.

I looked through the old posts but didn't find the answer to this particular question. My 390 Thunderbolt will be built in the April/May time frame and I am considering options. I would like to install something to make the oil changes a little easier and the B&C looks like a good choice. For those that have installed it, does it require any spacers for the 390? If so which spacer did you use?

By the way, Jeff at Lycoming said that if I send it to him, Lycoming will install it as part of the build process.
I have installed one in mine, T-Bolt engine, and it makes oil change much easier than at least my last IO360 installed in a 7A. I did not use any spacer.
I looked through the old posts but didn't find the answer to this particular question. My 390 Thunderbolt will be built in the April/May time frame and I am considering options. I would like to install something to make the oil changes a little easier and the B&C looks like a good choice. For those that have installed it, does it require any spacers for the 390? If so which spacer did you use?

By the way, Jeff at Lycoming said that if I send it to him, Lycoming will install it as part of the build process.

Brian and all,

From what we have seen from our customers the B and C upright oil filter adapter is a fairly straightforward process on the 14A. There are, however, two considerations. First off, the Upright oil filter adapter necessitates changing the length of one of the oil lines. The stock length line will not fit.

The second change is that the breather tube will not fit on the 14A. Some customers have fabricated a silicone breather line instead.

The Airwolf remote oil setup has also proved to be a popular option. It is the more pricey of the two choices and also requires a few additional oil lines to be fabricated.

Our firewall forward hose packages take into account the exact configuration of your engine. The lines are all built to lengths that work with the accessories you choose to add. Documents/RV-14 FF.pdf

The link above contains our install manual. Starting on page 10 is the information on the Upright oil filter adapter as well as the Airwolf Remote system.

If anyone has any questions on the installations, please feel free to reach out to us.

Happy Building,
Thanks Steve. I have already ordered my firewall foreward hose package from Tom at TS flightlines (which I think is a joint venture with you). I specified that I would be adding the B&C upright oil filter adapter. I am still confused as to whether a spacer is needed. Vic says it does but I am not installing a standby alternator which may change things. Mehrdad says he installed it without a spacer. I considered the Airwolf remote mounting system but decided the B&C was a good compromise of cost / benefit.
Thanks for the hint to check the B&C web site Vic! The web site says no spacer is needed for the RV-14A, so that is what I am going with.
Thanks Steve. I have already ordered my firewall foreward hose package from Tom at TS flightlines (which I think is a joint venture with you). I specified that I would be adding the B&C upright oil filter adapter. I am still confused as to whether a spacer is needed. Vic says it does but I am not installing a standby alternator which may change things. Mehrdad says he installed it without a spacer. I considered the Airwolf remote mounting system but decided the B&C was a good compromise of cost / benefit.


I thought that your name sounded familiar. I must have seen it in the order queue awhile back.

Glad you found the answer on the B and C website.

Have fun with the build. Getting ready to hang the engine is an exciting part!

I considered the Airwolf remote mounting system but decided the B&C was a good compromise of cost / benefit.

Good decision. We put one on the Cozy MKIV during the build and it does nothing but add complexity and a lot of unwanted weight. I'll take the risk of a mess from an oil filter change any day over that thing.
Good decision. We put one on the Cozy MKIV during the build and it does nothing but add complexity and a lot of unwanted weight. I'll take the risk of a mess from an oil filter change any day over that thing.

Is there no benefit from getting immediate oil pressure during start? I wait at least 5-6 seconds for oil pressure to rise with the angled adapter as the oil filter drains back to the crankcase.

Seems to me that reducing engine wear is worth something.

As to the oil change mess - wait several hours before removing the oil filter. With the angled adapter, it will have drained back and be empty.

Good decision. We put one on the Cozy MKIV during the build and it does nothing but add complexity and a lot of unwanted weight. I'll take the risk of a mess from an oil filter change any day over that thing.

Seriously? The weight of the adapter is similar to the b and c adapter so the difference is two hoses and a small aluminum doubler.

My application has the three coil packs mounted above the top engine mount tube and the second alternator on the pad. Moving the filter to the firewall will allow easy access to it and eliminate the mess. Well worth the ? complexity and a lot of unwanted weight?...
Seriously? The weight of the adapter is similar to the b and c adapter so the difference is two hoses and a small aluminum doubler.

My application has the three coil packs mounted above the top engine mount tube and the second alternator on the pad. Moving the filter to the firewall will allow easy access to it and eliminate the mess. Well worth the ? complexity and a lot of unwanted weight?...

Yeah,,,if that's what you have to do to access the filter, then by all means do it. But yes,,,its adds unnecessary weight and complexity. I cringe every time I look at that thing whenever I am working on the plane with the cowl off. And as far as oil pressure on start up,,,,a properly maintained and used engine has no problems making TBO. I had 2700 hours on my O-235 before overhaul,,,and that was without a remote mount oil filter. Jeez,,,,,, ;)