Ouch, will it come out of their paycheck?

Not pretty but that is one sexy looking plane. I did not appreciate the B1B before. Doha! forgot to but the gear down? It happens but two crew, three or four in the cockpit? Also most jets will not let you do it. If the gear is not down and if you slow down, get too close to the ground, selecting landing flaps with gear up and so on (configuration warning), you get yelled at, GEAR GEAR GEAR GEAR! I have only heard it when testing it. I hope I never hear it for real. I'll not gloat or criticize thinking it can't happen to me, at least until I retire from flying. A little paranoia and fear keeps you honest.
Another thing that makes it interesting (shows how tired the crew might have been) is that the standard procedure for all military controllers when issuing landing clearance is "Check wheels down, clear to land runway XX.

I have landed at military fields a few times (as a civilian). It is always strange hearing that clearance when you don't even have retractable gear.
I'm like how they kept in on the center line. That is pretty good after skidding that long. I think someone might lose there job! Or flying desks for the rest of their career.

I remember when that happened - We were getting ready to fly STS-121 at the time, and we keep close tabs on a number of runways around the world - Diego is one of them. I heard one morning it was NOTAM'ed closed due to a gear up landing of a B-1, and asked for pictures - I saw a shots of it sitting there, but these of the recovery are new - very interesting.

The really embarrassing part is when they lift it up clear, move the gear lever....and down they come! :eek:
I wouldn't bet my career on it

A300Driver said:
DarinFred - great advice! I'll never forget that one! :p

I imagine the designers of the flight data recorder have considered that option too, and probably dealt with it accordingly. Just sayin' is all.
True story

DarinFred said:
What's the first thing you do when you land gear up? Put the gear handle down!
Well as stupid as that sounds that actually happened at an air show. The plane landed, gear up, spun off the runway onto the grass, ground looped and flipped. After just a few seconds with the plane stopped, upside down off the side of the runway and the dust had settled, all three gears went POP, pop, pop, coming out down and locked, and the tower heard, "I had the gear down". ha ha ha ha, true I am told. IT DID NOT WORK.
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I landed my SeaRey gear up at home on our grass strip. We were out doing some water work at a nearby lake. Got into the pattern and really greased it in smooth. It just sounded a little different :confused: . As I "rolled out" the plane began to list over to one side. My first thought was the gear leg collapsed (denial?). When I looked over and saw the wheel up :eek: my face was as red as the plane. The factory always claimed it could be landed in wet grass. They were right. :D No damage, jacked it up, lowered the gear, and taxied home. :)

I was in an OV-10 squadron when 2 pilots actually performed a gear up T&G. They settled on to the drop tanks which were sufficiently large to keep the props clear of the ground. They firewalled the throttles, picked it up, saw fuel streaming from the tanks and pickled them and flew home (500 miles). They got in more trouble for not doing a precautionary landing and inspection then they did for the gear up T&G. It was a reserve squadron so things were a bit lax.

The total bill was only for 2 inexpensive drop tanks.
