
Well Known Member
My buddy Mike Fouts (RV4) and I were out last Saturday burning gas and happened up on a B 17 at Canton Georgia airport. No one was around it but there was a support vehicle parked beside it. Guess it was laying over at that location. Never the less it made for some great photos.




I left my business card on the windshield in case the need me to fly escort for them :D.
Nice find!

I took a ride in that airplane in the afternoon after my first solo in 2006 (solo was not in the B-17 ;)). The guys flying the Belle would not let me fly right seat for some reason.

Bill and Mike

I wish I would have gone over there with you guys when you left the Runway Fish House at KAJR. We could have given them some SERIOUS escort services with 2 Eights and a Four!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Liberty Bell is allegedly there for maintenance. What kind, I dunno.

On Saturday, I was under the weather health-wise, but thought the breeze looked a bit sporty anyway...
During the early days of WWII, a B17 flying out of England and carrying the name of Liberty Belle was commanded by Harold Thompson, a young aviator from Michigan. Harold is in his late 80's today and in still an active pilot. His current ride is a Falco, which he built over a period of about 13 years and which is now based at KPTK. I remember a few years ago, Harold had the pleasure of pinning Air Force wings on his grand daughter, who went on to command a 135 refueling tanker and now teaches at the Air Force Academy. I wonder if this was his B17.
During the early days of WWII, a B17 flying out of England and carrying the name of Liberty Belle was commanded by Harold Thompson, a young aviator from Michigan. Harold is in his late 80's today and in still an active pilot. His current ride is a Falco, which he built over a period of about 13 years and which is now based at KPTK. I remember a few years ago, Harold had the pleasure of pinning Air Force wings on his grand daughter, who went on to command a 135 refueling tanker and now teaches at the Air Force Academy. I wonder if this was his B17.

I haven't researched this aircraft in that regard, but I can be 99.99% sure this isn't the original Liberty Belle. Most of the flyable WWII aircraft today were built late in the war and most never saw combat. The B-24 "ole 927" is an exception in that it is the 25th B-24 built. It never saw combat, however. The only "big name" B-17 that is original (I believe) is the Memphis Belle that is being restored at WPAFB. The "Memphis Belle" that was in the movie is a late "G" model converted back to look like an "F." It belongs to a relative of my wife. She asked me to write a book about the destruction of the aircraft after WWII which I am just finishing. It has been a fascinating study. I hope to have it done by March.

Bob Kelly