
Well Known Member
I'm considering purchasing an RV and was wondering if there any in the vicinity of Sierra Vista (KFHU) or Tucson that I can visit and see if I even fit in one.

Please call or email if you have some time


Dale Willey
[email protected]
(520) 227-2953
Can't help you find a -4 in AZ but I can say welcome aboard from an old Strike/Flight Systems sandcrab.

Dave Hyde
I have one in Eloy if you feel like making a bit of a drive to see if you fit. You can send me a pm and I'll give you my phone number.
Thanks for the welcome Dave. The good ol days at Strike doing incredibly dumb things in airplanes for the greater good. I still shake my head at some of the test points I had to do in Harriers.
Nitty / Dave Hyde!

Nitty, it's been a while since I've seen you. I bump into Dave at a conference I believe recently. What happen? I thought you headed to AZ to built an Rv-8? Now looking for a RV-4? I just bought a -4 back in June with one of the engineers in our office. Plan on building an -8 but need to finish the man cave workshop this summer. Anyway, the -4 is a nice x-country chine but I could use the leg room of an -8. The good news is that it's fast so can stretch after 3.5 hrs.

Keep in touch,
Buddy D's on the forum too! Small world indeed. I finished the wings and tail built but ran out of motivation and money so I sold it and built a kitcar instead. Done a lot of soaring at El Tiro near Tucson and just recently got the tailwheel endorsement in a C140. Sort of rekindled the need for a powered machine and RVs match the fun factor with the need to get places quickly. If you see Boz or Andy Mack around, tell them I said hi.
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Will say hello when I see Boz. Still need to get you two in a face off contest over an Indian curry to see who is the true chile king. Great you are doing some soaring, a great location for it. I still have my ASW-20B and fly quite a bit in the spring/summer. Part of the reason for buying the RV-4 was to get to PA in 45 minutes vice 3 hrs in the car. The only downside is dealing with the DC SFRA, BWI, Reagan and Andrews. The good news is you squirt through pretty fast. Good look in your search.....
Oh I established my dominance in the spicy food category long ago, Bob capitulated and bowed down before me. Make sure you remind him of that.