
Well Known Member
I am trying to find a place to park my RV8 this coming winter in Tucson AZ. We purchased a Condo in the BE area near Sabino Canyon. I live in Northern Ohio and would like to fly it out there and leave it for the winter so I can use it this winter. If anyone has space or a hanger they would rent or any information it would be greatly appreciated. I am member of EAA chapter 81 in Tucson.
UIM is United Indian Missionaries. I guess that you aren't a regular at Ryan. Erik is your local EAA chapter preisdent.
Sorry I should have noticed it was Eric. Because we did not go to AZ this winter I could not attend any meetings. Thanks for your help

Don't accept inferior hangers.

I can send you a few hangers if you need them. You can just keep them...

He specifically asked for ARIZONA hangers. Don't try to pawn off your California hangers. Mine are from Arizona and I'll be happy to send as many as you like. Wire, wood or plastic? :D