
Well Known Member
I installed the gear legs on -12 and did the alignment thing w/the string. I had an 1/8th of an inch gap on the inboard left axle. Ordered the shims, $8 plus shipping (you'd think van's would provide in the kit?). I installed the 1* shim and remeasured...the 1/8th inch gap moved to the right side? I'll attack this again tomorrow, but has anyone out there had a similar problem....any advice?


The consensus when I was fitting the wheels was to wait unti you've flown the airplane if you were that close. Once you get the all-up weight on the gear things will change anyway. I never did get around to re-measuring after flying-- it tracks true. mental note:: check that at the annual (oops, condition inspection).

Wayne 120241/143WM
Axle shims

Here's an update on the shims. After I ordered a shim from Van, one of our prolific builders, here in the airpark, gave me one. I installed it and the 1/8" gap shifted to the other side? I took out the shim and both sides were perfect?
Everyone who told me to leave it were right. Go figure.
