Dear all,

a fellow RV builder (RV-6 and Harmon Rocket) suggested to check the crimping of the thick battery/starter/alternator cables furnished with my kit. He experienced an in flight failure with a recently purchased (and professionally built) RV-10 of the local flying club. In that case the terminals were so poorly crimped that one could be pulled off by hand! I have a video-clip of it. He checked on a RV-9 and he found the same picture.:eek::eek::eek:

I checked mines and was not able to pull off any terminal. Actually I did not pull seriously because the cables are already installed but just looking at them I do not feel comfortable. As a rookie my crimpings (on much smaller cables) look much, much better! Therefore I will hire an avionics specialist with a strong crimping vice and have them all re-crimped.

Anyone else sharing the same (bad) experiences?:(
Less than $30.00 for that crimper, WOW!!! I bought the brand name version of that crimper 20 years ago and it cost around $300.00. Even if it lasts for one or two planes, it is a bargain.

That crimper works well once you figure out the correct die for the cable+lug you are using...