
Well Known Member
On a whim and a nudge from above, I shot Jesse Saint a message here last night. My wife and I have been in Ecuador the last two weeks supporting our church plants and projects here. With a couple days to decompress, I thought it might be fun to see the ITEC shop and hangar.

I'm so glad we did! Galo was such an awesome host, he showed us the shop and introduced us to the young guy who was working up an RV-10 elevator. They are awaiting the arrival of a new RV10 kit, and building what they have on hand while waiting.

We met Robert and Rhonda from Bentonville, AR who have been living here for 3 years and part of Itec for the last year or so. Super neat people. They told us a lot more about ITEC, gave me a copy of Jesse's dad's book, and prayed with us.

There is some pretty cool work going on with sUAS here as well!

Galo showed us his 182 air taxi--slick ride with wing extensions, 800 STC and Airglas fork. sportsman leading edge and some other neat stuff.

Totally awesome couple of hours spent! Now...if I could just figure out how to afford to ship an rv-14 kit down here...(or buy one in the first place!)
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Glad you had a god visit yesterday, Scott. Galo and his crew are a bunch of great people.
Boy, does this bring back memories! I spent a few weeks living with Galo and his beautiful family a couple of years ago working on my RV-10, N955DQ. I think it was the 14th RV-10 Saint Aviation and I-Tec had in their build assist program. Great experience working with the crew in Shell, Ecuador, and a wonderful story to tell. I am really enjoying my airplane. The airframe, upholstery and paint are done in Ecuador, then placed in a container and shipped to X35, Donnellon, FL where the avionics and engine are hung before flying. The process took about a year from writing a check to having finished airplane. I got a repairman's certificate and have the pleasure of maintaining my plane. Send me a PM for any questions.
wow that sounds like a cool experience. I've had the pleasure of staying with Jesse and his family and got to hear about Jesse's GrandFather from his Dad. It was a privilege to meet such incredible folks. Your experience makes me want to buy/build an RV10 with Jesse's crew :D