
Well Known Member
Did some more Fall flying yesterday. Trying out different GoPro mount positions. I need to work some more on the vibration proofing of this mount. Sorry for the shaky video. No audio on this one since I did not want Youtube to flag it.

Flew over Max Patch TN/NC, Good view of the Smokies. A little hazy and I missed the peak of the colors a bit.


Nice video; very inspiring...
I don't think that was vibration you were seeing. Looked like some sort if interference, and it seemed to be gone at the end.
Nice video; very inspiring...
I don't think that was vibration you were seeing. Looked like some sort if interference, and it seemed to be gone at the end.


I think it is vibration since when I slowed down, it went away. Speed up it gets worse.
I had very similar results with it under the right wing. Still pretty cool though. Brian, are you using the Wifi backpack? I'm not too happy with the performance. Signal goes in and out a lot.

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I had very similar results with it under the right wing. Still pretty cool though. Brian, are you using the Wifi backpack? I'm not too happy with the performance. Signal goes in and out a lot.


Yes, I was using the WiFi backpack with the iPhone app. The signal did come and go on me with it under the wing. In the cockpit it works great. I would think it should have better range.

I just got a notice of an App update, will try that and see if it helps. The update specifically says it adds support for iOS 6. I was using iOS 6 before the update so maybe that has something to do with it???

Jeff, your mount has much less vibration than mine in your video. Please share how you have it mounted....
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video thoughts....

I'm sure no expert, but i've heard that the 'jello' effect is common, and often can be fixed in post-production. ( but who wants to do that?)
- sounds like a solid mount is important, but you can still get it when the scenery is scrolling by faster than the sensor can scan it, and errors are made.
- apparently putting a makeshift filter or 2 over the lens will cause the exposure to change to let in more light ( equivalent of opening the aperture on an old camera lens) and thus the image capture may improve.
- lots of trial and error with these things...unless you go buy the Contour N-Flight cam with all its lense, filter, sound accessries etc.......but you pay them $500 for figuring out a lot of the glitches.

nice video tho, keep 'em coming!
Brian, unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it mounted.
I just drilled a hole in one of the Gopro bases and machine countersunk it until a #8 screw was flush. (Just like the other guy who used a screw and tinnerman washer here on the forum.) I thought there was enough meat left so I didn't use a washer. I left the 3M sticky pad installed but did not peal and stick it. I used a little longer 8/32 and mounted it to the outside of the middle wing inspection plate.

As for the Wifi, mine seems a little goofy. Yesterday I had the suction cup mount inside my canopy and it was still coming and going even with the GoPro remote. Somethings definitely up with it and I need to get to the bottom of it.
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Nice ...

Great video ... Was it the suction cup mount you used? I just ordered a Contour+2 and it came broken. A replacement is on order ... Hope my videos are as good as yours. Annotations are a great addition. Once again, great video!:)

I use the mount that comes inside the box with the camera mounted on it. It has a large square flat base. I don't think it is intended to be used as a mount but I used it that way. I just drilled it for a couple of the holes in the inspection cover.
Brian, unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it mounted.
I just drilled a hole in one of the Gopro bases and machine countersunk it until a #8 screw was flush. (Just like the other guy who used a screw and tinnerman washer here on the forum.) I thought there was enough meat left so I didn't use a washer. I left the 3M sticky pad installed but did not peal and stick it. I used a little longer 8/32 and mounted it to the outside of the middle wing inspection plate.

I just tried it the same way with the tinnerman though. First flight was pretty good. It was almost dark and yet I got some decent video. I am looking forward to flying this weekend and seeing what quality I can get. I am just using an original HeroHD with a backpack. The backpack worked fine even with the camera under the left wing.
Very nice Brian! Thanks for the talk on the GX Pilot. BTW my 18 month old daughter eats your baked beans (2%) and wears them (98%). Think she does it on purpose so she can have a bath...
Makes me wish my tailplane was finished and it had the rest of the plane hanging off it!

For a while I'm going to be stuck hiring a 172, while it is flying, 'it ain't the same'

Is the 'interference' the wavy snake-like motion in the image?

Nice vid's both of you, I really liked the break.

I am I the only sad person that actually has their skin tingle a little watching this stuff?