
Well Known Member
Okay, I have initiated talks with my DAR and we are both not entirely sure on how to use the AWC portal. Not so much how to use it but when to submit things. The DAR is telling me to just submit the 8130-6 and make sure his name is selected in the documents tab. After it has been assigned to him we can submit other things when needed. Is this correct or do I need to have all of my paperwork uploaded before I submit?

I'm assuming when I submit the FSDO just assigns it to the DAR and we take it from there. Buuuut we all know what happens when we assume...

Anyone done this lately? I could sure use some guidance here.
here is a link via EAA.....
with a title of = FAA AWC Online Airworthiness Certification Application
May 29, 2020203 Views
A tutorial on the FAA's Experimental Amateur-Built online application process effective 6/30/2020. FAA designated Amateur-Built DAR Joe Norris demonstrates the process to use the FAA AWC system to apply for an E-AB airworthiness certificate.
./good day /rick
here is a link via EAA.....
with a title of = FAA AWC Online Airworthiness Certification Application
May 29, 2020203 Views
A tutorial on the FAA's Experimental Amateur-Built online application process effective 6/30/2020. FAA designated Amateur-Built DAR Joe Norris demonstrates the process to use the FAA AWC system to apply for an E-AB airworthiness certificate.
./good day /rick

You beat me to it Rick! I was going to post the link. Thanks for doing that. I encourage everyone who is going to make application to watch the webinar at the link. Then, if you still have questions, give me a call at EAA. You can reach me directly at 920-426-6145, or you can email jnorris(at)eaa.org. I'd be happy to help you!
If you search, there was a similar question last week or the week before. I posted a PDF where I Went screen by screen and showed where things were confusing and what choices to make.
Get your information

I used the AWC portal for my DAR inspection. I got all my paperwork together and went over it with the DAR. It all looked good, so I filled out the AWC portal and attached my documents and submitted to local MIDO. Side note: I didn't submit my build journal and I don't believe you have to. Just have it with you during the inspection. From the DAR's perspective, he had to #1- get the local MIDO assign the inspection to him in the system (I was requesting for him to be assigned). Once the DAR was assigned, #2-local FSDO had to sign off on the testing area (now only one big area is East San Diego). #3-DAR had to transfer all my information from AWC portal to another part of the AWC portal (portal for DARS). #4-Conduct the inspection and sign paperwork. (This was the last part for me as I had a signed A/W at that point). From the DAR perspective #5-put all the paperwork in the AWC portal, follow up with MIDO/FSDO and 5 months later the FAA registration correctly states I have a A/W aircraft.
In all honesty, I think all FSOD/MIDO offices are doing the best they can with COVID, everything is done via email and phone calls=it takes time. Best advise is get with your DAR as soon as you can to get everything together. The wait begins when you hit the submit button in the AWC portal, it usually takes the DAR to make phone calls to get it moving as there is NOTHING he can do (to include inspect) until the MIDO and local FSDO sign off.
This is my experience, it was actually really good considering the COVID environment, I just called the DAR once a week to see if it had moved thru the system yet.
Docs submitted

Below is what I submitted with my AWC application:
1. Program letter (FSDO looks at this in the AWC portal)
2. 3-D views
3. Current Weight/Balance
4. Notarized 8130-12
5. A/C registration
6. AB FAB Assembly Checklist (not sure this was needed but if calculated and documented correctly shows your over 51%) Your build journal backs this up but only really the DAR sees your build journal NOT the MIDO/FSDO so I included this filled out. After all, they look at your package in the AWC portal and forward it to the DAR.
7. The 8130-6 is autogenerated and electronically signed when you hit the 'submit' button.
Hope this helps somebody
Okay I think I got it now especially after watching that great webinar.

Final question, roughly how long does it take usually to get it assigned to the DAR after I submit it? I mean I can't really do weight and balance until the aircraft is completely done. So then will I be twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the MIDO and FSDO to do their thing? If that's the case I can already sense my extreme frustration by owning a completed plane that I can't fly.
Okay I think I got it now especially after watching that great webinar.

Final question, roughly how long does it take usually to get it assigned to the DAR after I submit it? I mean I can't really do weight and balance until the aircraft is completely done. So then will I be twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the MIDO and FSDO to do their thing? If that's the case I can already sense my extreme frustration by owning a completed plane that I can't fly.


You have to have the W&B done by the time you submit everything into AWC portal, is requested in there that you demonstrate aircraft CG, most FWD and AFT, for that, W&B is needed.
I know what you are talking about since I had my DAR inspection last week.
Have the airplane configured and weight the plane.
Then take all the access panels off.
Regarding DAR, on AWC you can select your DAR name in there, and the paperwork will be assigned to him.

Hope this helps. Happy inspection!
Thanks everyone who helped, especially Joe for taking the time to talk to me on the phone.

For future readers, I submitted the paperwork without the weight and balance and it was passed on to my DAR within 24 hours. Now I just got to get this thing finished!
For future readers, I submitted the paperwork without the weight and balance and it was passed on to my DAR within 24 hours.

That doesn't surprise me at all. If your DAR is worth his salt, he WILL look at the W&B when he performs the inspection. Submitting it through the AWC system just allows the inspector to look at it (and check the math) beforehand.

I generally have the applicant send the paperwork to me before even submitting it to AWC, just so I can head off any mistakes or omissions. It's easier than having to deal with that stuff once the AWC process is started.
That doesn't surprise me at all. If your DAR is worth his salt, he WILL look at the W&B when he performs the inspection. Submitting it through the AWC system just allows the inspector to look at it (and check the math) beforehand.

I generally have the applicant send the paperwork to me before even submitting it to AWC, just so I can head off any mistakes or omissions. It's easier than having to deal with that stuff once the AWC process is started.

I hear ya Joe, I did send him the paper work before hand, just got back the typical "these items must all match on everything". haha We were slightly concerned the FSDO would kick back the app without the weight and balance. We both agreed it was pointless to have to send it in to them and that he would look at it and discuss it with me at the inspection. Thanks again for your help!

I guess its also worth clarifying for others that I sent this in without the weight and balance because I didn't know how long it was going to take for the inspection to be assigned to my DAR. I will be doing a weight and balance soon but wanted to get the ball rolling first.
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We were slightly concerned the FSDO would kick back the app without the weight and balance.

I am fully convinced that the FSDO/MIDO doesn't actually look at the application if the applicant has requested a specific DAR. They just automatically assign it to the DAR and let that person make sure everything is in order.

Thanks again for your help!

You are most welcome sir!
I am fully convinced that the FSDO/MIDO doesn't actually look at the application if the applicant has requested a specific DAR. They just automatically assign it to the DAR and let that person make sure everything is in order.

Ya after seeing how quickly it went through (at night even) I am pretty sure you are right.
For those who have been through this horrid process, what was the time from inspection to getting AWC in hand? Our inspection was yesterday (Oct 30) and I’m (multiple emotions) that I’m missing out on some prime flying weather. :mad:

Has any one had any sucess getting anyone from FAA to do inspection ? It is all
part of what we pay taxes for ! Tomcatrv4
Has any one had any sucess getting anyone from FAA to do inspection ? It is all
part of what we pay taxes for ! Tomcatrv4

Several other builders at my home field have had inspectors from the FSDO, but that was before the AWC Portal. When I uploaded my paperwork, here's the response I received:

"Please be advised, FAA resources are limited; an appropriately authorized Designee can issue a Special Airworthiness Certificate for the purpose requested. Access the Indianapolis Flight Standards website; located under the resources tab select, “Find Designees & Delegations” to search for available Designees. For your request, a Designated Airworthiness Representative – Maintenance (DAR-T) holding the authorization code 147 would be appropriate. https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/ind/ If unsuccessful in securing a Designee, please resubmit your application."

That's from the Indianapolis FSDO. I understand the Louisville FSDO is no longer performing inspections either. I did see recently someone was successful getting an inspection from the Cincinnati office (not sure is FSDO or MIDO).

Good luck.