TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
As some of you know, My wife Suzanne has been battleing MBC Breast cancer since January of 2018. Some of you know what struggles those are, having lived them your selves. A bunch of you are in the medical profession and have gives advise and support for quite a while now.

In April, she had PET scan that showed dramatic healing of the damaged area in the ribs, vertebrae and other affected areas. The change in Onocologists and treatment regiment was working. So we planned and booked a trip for late October. So throughout the summer, we monitored her progress and with the blessings of her DR, started finalizing our plans. I had already booked and paid for the trip, so it was a matter of getting her ready to go.

Well in all best laid plans, some things crop up to try and spoil things. MRI of several weeks ago showed some very small cells that had migrated to the brain. FORTUNATELY, we had seen another Nerosurgeon on another, non related matter, and he suggested a procedure called Gamma Knife. You medical folks know about that. We had that procedure this past Thursday, and they said to go and have fun. Well the have fun part maybe not so much, but certainly going for an attitude adjustment.

So, we'll be gone from Tuesday OCT29 to Monday Nov 11. This is where I say not to worry. Prior planning--actually several years ago-- enabled us to merge into a Joint Venture with Aircraft Specialty, call Aircraft Specialty Flightlines. We started a 3rd production facility in Wisconsin (now in Milwaukee) that enabled me to concentrate on prototypes and other development items. For the past 18 months, most of our orders have been shipped from there, although some custom items we still do here. A seamless transition. Steve Tschurwald has been a fabulous business partner, as well as a friend, and together we set this up for the mutal benefit of ourselves, as well as our clients, YOU.

So even though I wont be in the shop, we can still process any orders that you need. ( Internet and email are wonderful!) I'll have some limited cell service, and with time differences, phone calls might be challenging, but I can certainly respond to emails and voicemails. So, fo you, there wont be any interruptions in shipping services.

Its been a long, challenging and emotional 2 years. So we're going to take 2 weeks and enjoy life, come back and refocus on things. I have to say here that Suzanne and I REALLY appreciate the emails and phone calls from those of you that knew about her issues. You have no idea what it means to have that support. And gee, alot of you are voices on the phone, or email addresses, all connected by the Experimental aircraft community. You think that you are talking to a airplane client, then the conversation changes and he or she is an Onocologist, or a Radiation Dr, or some other specialist that has given alot of advise and unconditional support. You guys know who you are. Believe it or not TOO many to actually name here--probably 20-30. And we thank you for it.

Tom and Suzanne.

Was unaware of your situation, but thanks for sharing. And thanks for all you've done and continue to do for this community. My thoughts are with you and Suzanne - glad you are still able to get away. Here's my non-medical advice - leave the phone and emails at home. It will all be waiting for you when you return.

All the best to you and your wife.
Have a wonderful two week break....

....and let me know if I can help spread the news about any TS Flightline stuff you need spread out while you're away. Here to help and standing by.

Your friends,

Doug and Susie
Tom, I was not aware of this situation either. I want to wish you and your wife the very best, and continued healing and recovery! Enjoy the time away, and thanks again for all you have done for me in recent past months!
Safe travels Tom and Suzanne! Our friend Tom Swartzlander tells me often to enjoy every nanosecond. He'd tell you guys the same thing.
A special shout out to Tom! My fourth order in two years and he?s always ready by phone or email to answer any questions or concerns. Tom, prayers and thoughts for you both. I hope you enjoy a much deserved break.
Enjoy this break from the business with your wife. You've both been through a lot. Here is hoping the future is long and bright for both of you and your business.
Enjoy some vacation time. Take are of Susanne and worry about the rest later. It'll still be there when you get back. Said a little prayer for Susanne's continuing recovery and your strength to fight through this. Safe travels.
Hey Tom and Suzanne- Add me to the list of those who was not aware, but all the best for the two of you. Go have fun!!!!
Tom, enjoy your time off with Suzanne...and thanks for all you've done for us over the years--some of which was during these trying times.
thank you!

Thank you to all of you---Means so much.
Please excuse the misspelled words----gee--just dont type well any more!
But you get the idea.
Tom and Suzanne
Family first, Tom - always! Doubt you'll find any VAF'ers complaining about order delays or issues if they know the full story. Enjoy your time away.
Suzanne and Tom,
Have a great holiday. You both deserve it.
Don't worry or think about work, just enjoy the break you have both earned enduring the medical profession poking and proding!
Tom, both of you are in my thoughts and prayers for rest and renewal during your vacation. I hope both of you enjoy this well deserved time away and come back strengthened for the fight ahead! Have a wonderful time!
Take care of yourself so you can take care of those you love. I'll be contacting you for advice and parts when you return.

Best wishes

It's great to see this unique and diverse community pulling together to support you and your wife.

Best wishes for her continued good progress and a ongoing remission.

For all of our friends, clients, and members. I just wanted to give you a brief, non RV related update on Suzannes condition. As several of you know we took some time off to celebrate her life and allow her to see Hawaii, one last time. WE had a great time, seeing the Na'Pali coastline from the air--Thanks to Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. Little did we know that it was probably the last really beautiful place she'd visit on earth.
We knew that her cancer was beginning to overcome the treatment, but really were stunned to see the blood tests and the CT scans. The amount that this spread in 6 weeks is unbelievable. So with it zapping her strength, the chemo dropping her HG levels, and the CT revealing new and fast spreading areas of damage in her ribs again, Suzanne made the decision to stop the chemo. Seems the treatment was probably going to be worse than the disease.
She went on Hospice this morning--although we all know that its a formality and not indicating anything is immenent. She's comfortable, or as comfortable as I can make her. One day at a time-----her vitals are about the same as they have been for the past 6 months. Good sign in my book.

So what does that have to do with the VAF and Experimental community? Well, of course she comes first, BUT there is the wonderful invention of a laptop and something called the internet that allows me to continue to work--mostly-- and take care of her. I'll still get to do tech support, and as I can some prototype stuff. So, even though I may not get to the shop for extended periods like I do, I can continue to service you. Steve and I actually considered this (and other possibilities) when did our merger 3 years ago. So orders get processed dispite a family emergency. So for most of you, you wont notice much of a difference.

I just felt is was necessary to let you know the situation, and to let you know that things will carry on. I'm not going anywhere.

Thanks to all for your support, thoughts, and prayer in this really trying time.

Tom and Suzanne.
Tom, I am so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, it's an all too familiar pattern. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers as you travel through this cold and dark period. I know I am but one of thousands thinking of the two of you. I'm glad you got to go back to Hawaii before it came to this. Hang on buddy!
Tom, both you and Suzanne are in our prayers.

There are many things I'm thankful for in this world, and right up there at the top is that I get to interact with people like you and Suzanne. You are both in our prayers.

Friends always,
Doug, Susie, Audrey and Tate
Sorry to hear this news. I was also unaware of your situation. Thank you for everything you do for the builder community. Will be praying for you and your wife.
Sorry to hear, this, Tom. Cancer took my wife of 34 years, and fortunately I got to spend time with her as you are with Suzanne.

My heart is with you and your family...

Prayers sent for you and your family during these difficult and uncertain times. May the hand of God be there for you to hold, the love of God be there to calm your fears, the spirit of God to ease the falls, and your faith in God that sometime on not such a distant day, you will always be forever together.
Tom, we communicated on your cruise through Kailua Kona, just weeks ago. I am so sad to hear Suzanne's situation has taken a major turn south.
Life is so precious, and is a day by day thing for most of us, we just do not realize it. You are in our prayers. Greg
Tom, I am so sorry to hear this. I?m praying that God makes his presence unmistakable for you, Suzanne and all of your family. May knowing him give you strength and peace at this, the most difficult of times.
All---WE all have emotional times in our lives---some glad, some sad. Faith and knowing whats on the other side of the curtain has given me ALOT of comfort--having experienced it firsthand back in 2015. Suzanne is content with her decision and is at peace, and not suffering. No way am I going to let her suffer. Actually in very little pain, more of a soreness.
So---given that Doug has extended quite a few liberties over this---here is something RV/Experimental related. When an email pops up, a text message comes in, or the phone rings, you never know who the person is that wants us to help. Might seem unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but some of you are in the medical onocological field of some sort and have give enormous support, and information over the past 2 years. You all started out as contacts---word of mouth, VAF, or some other form, and some of you became clients and customers. The fact is when the contact is made we dont know who it is, or what that person 'does'. And generally its not important at the time. But I can say with complete certainty, that some of the contacts that we have made have changed our lives. Too many to mention directly, but I feel that you know who you are.
At a time of crisis, people help, just like the RV/Experimental community. Whether its help setting a rivet, or building a hose assembly to troubleshooting a weird situation, we all join in and offer help. This community is no different when its an airplane thing, or a life thing. Alot of you have become friends---some very close. Infact several have offered to fly down to help in any way they can. And all of that from respeonding to an email, a text, or a phone call. The amount of emails and texts the past several days is beyond belief and makes me realize just how tight a community we have. All is greatly appreciated. Audrey Reeves--if you are in this type of research---keep it up. At some point we are going to eliminate cancer like we did polio. All of you, your support at this time is hard to describe and to put into words. All started from a thing caled VAF. Dont take it for granted--

Prayers are with you

Tom, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. May God bless you, your family and especially Suzanne. Praying for you all.

You were instrumental in consulting, designing, and building all the complex fuel lines for my EFII duplex fuel Vale lines and all of my firewall forward hoses. My airplane build went so much easier because of your outstanding help I have confidence in my airplane largely due to you.

While we have never met, we had spoken frequently during that time. Knowing that Suzanne has stood beside you in your endeavors, I feel I owe you both a debt of gratitude.

Mine and my family's prayers are with you both.

Prayers yo you

Our prayers and thoughts to you and Suzanne in this difficult time.

God Bless You Both
