
Well Known Member
This is a long shot but I thought I’d ask anyway.

Currently have an Avmap Ultra coupled to a Trio EZ autopilot.
The Trio displays it’s receiving data from the Avmap Ultra for tracking a ‘Go To’ waypoint prior to take off, all looks/displays normal. Once airborne however at approx 500’ agl the Trio shows ‘ No GPS and will not reacquire the data till I’m on short final to land!
All wiring has been done to both manufacturers specs including trying several other variations of wiring. Parameters are set correctly (otherwise it wouldn’t work at all)
This issue has both the Trio and Avmap guru’s perplexed!

Just wondering if anyone in RV land here has the same combo?

I don't have the same combo but in terms of solving the strange problem, interference or vibration might be the cause. Have you tried reducing engine power to idle at altitude?
Funny you should say that, only today I took the gremlin bird up for a test flight and held 80 kts at a low power level, the GPS stayed locked on to the Trio for several minutes up to around 5000’ but as soon as I opened up the throttle going past 100 kts it dropped out again, coming back online with the speed once again brought back to 80 kts……the most weird thing I’ve seen! Possible vibration/resonance, something to chase for another day!
Idle at altitude and speed made no difference.
Thanks for your input:)