
Well Known Member
Hi guys.
Anyone had any experience with the AvMap Ultra unit?
Thinking of replacing my steam AH & DG with two of these units, strictly for VFR flight only.
I use this as my standby EFIS. It's inexpensive, easy to install and configure and works pretty well. I had to use it as primary for an approach and landing last month in Indiana, it performed well, gave me a dependable airspeed when I needed it. I will usually run it in HSI mode, you can set it to simulate ADF and VOR based on the GPS. This can point to a navaid or an airport and will show the bearing and distance to both of them at once. Quite handy to fly a circle at a set distance from a waypoint or a DME arc. I have had a number of instances where it loses GPS signal, but that doesn't impact the PFD, just the HSI.

In short, I don't regret this purchase at all. I'd buy it again. I don't know how it compares to a Garmin G5 or a Dynon D10, but it has similar features and a much better price.
I'm very happy with the performance, features, and quality of the Ultra in my RV-3. I really like the stand alone GPS with Jeppsen database as a backup to my Stratux (which has never glitched) Also has NMEA out if needed, lots of bang for the buck. Responsive support.

Try and find a phone number on Avmap's website if you need tech support. I have an avmap 4 that needs some attention. They replied the next day to my email.and said their US tech support would be on vacation for the next two weeks. The wait wasn't the issue so much as the lack of phone support.

Do I invest any more money with Avmap to fix this unit or go with Garmin or
the I Fly unit that has great features good support and real phone numbers?
Probably not.

The products you are interested in may be fine products and others may have had a more positive experience but service after the sale is important to me. My two cents.
Thanks for the replies guys.
There's always the issue of after sales service with any products.
I think I'll buy just one and replace the AH and go from there:)