
Well Known Member
This request goes to everyone that are or have RECENTLY used an AVmap EKP GPS, I have been researching this unit, but information is scarce or outdated: I need the latest information PLEASE.

Here are the old threads on the forum:

Here goes my Questions:
1) Where did the AVmaip Air Forum moved to? This link is dead

2) It seems like the Autopilot interface is now Solved. Can you confirm?

3) It seems the support is now better. Can you confirm?

4) Glitches is now solved with latest software. Can you confirm?

5) Did you interface it with a Dynon is it working OK

6) How does the Accesories and PC Software compare to a Garmin 296? (I cant get XM weather in any case in South Africa, so that rules out the bigger garmins.)

7) How do you find the latest Jeppesen Maps and Terrain for your area you stay in. (Hopefully someone outside the USA can comment)

8) Any news or rumors about a new version on the horison.

9) Did you Panel mount it? If so please post a picture. Preferably ones without the airgizmo addapter.

Thank you.
Kind Regards
Limited info

Hey Rudi how are you. Bill Abbott from Aerogizmos here. I just purchased the AVMAP and can you say WOW in reference to the graphics? This thing is amazing. The function is simple and appears to have many more features than I will ever use. I have yet to fly with it but I have used it in my car and it was spot on. How do you like your Fuel Valve Lever?
terrain outside USA

I am also very interested in terrain outside USA. I emailed avmap support and they told me its not avaiable for south emisphere (brazil specifically) . maybe i am missing something here, but since it uses jeppesen database, it does't cover All americas, for instance? Today i am using a 296 in my rv9 (extremelly happy with it!!!) , but i have a -7 on the way and i really like the bigger screens of avmap..

Also ,i would like to reports how its working with trutrak autopilots....


The accessories that co me with the unit are very nice. The back pops off and I think that I am going to devise some way to use this to mount the unit. I need to keep the size of the hole as small as possible. The antenna has enough wire so that you can moiunt it jus about anywhere within 10 feet of the unit. The power cord is nice and the nmea output is in a convenient location on the rear of the unit. I really like the plastic case for transporting.
Dynon/Trio AP interface


I have my AvMap tied into both my D10A and Trio AP in my 9A and everything seems to work fine. The Trio reads the AvMap and the HSI comes up with GPS data on the Dynon. I haven't flown yet, so I can't give performance reports, but all apprears well. I have flown the AvMap in other planes and I love it. I mounted it in front of the panel prior to Airgizmo's mount being available or I would have used their unit. Baiscally, I used the base and the power cord inlet connector as the mounting points. To remove, you unscrew and unplug the power cord, push a detent on the right bottom of the lower mount downward, swing the base to the right until the power plug drops below the mounting hole, and remove the unit. I didn't want to cut any extra holes in my panel (leather covered) until I finalize everything. I may buy a "gizmo" to mount it when I do that.

BTW, one of the undocumented traits (and not a "bug" in this case) is that the screen is brighter when viewed from the left. This means that when you mount it right of center, you don't have to cant it toward you.

Bob Kelly
Landscape or portrait?


You are saying it is brighter when looked at slightly from the left. Did you mount it in "landscape" or "portrait" ? (are you looking at it from the side or from above?)

I have one to, and love it. The only problem I have is that the Jepessen data is just C&@p! (Europe) I haven?t updated anymore lately so it may be better now, but there is so much info missing and info wrong, that you could easily get yourselves into trouble if you were relying on it other than telling you what position you are at.

When my RV9A is finished I am going to instal it in the panel for sure. It will look better in Landscape mode, as it will probably be approx. the same width of a radio, or a Dynon, but you loose some of the "range" of the screen. (I do not really care much about what is left and right of me, but more of what is in front of me!, so the "portrait" installation will give you more view ahead)

At one time I was thinking of getting another one (hey, they are not that expensive, compared to some other avionics) and have two, with different set-ups and scales, to give me long range as well as short range moving map "awareness", simultaneously. Together with two Dynons (one EFIS and one Engine-mon.) that would give the panel the "All glass" look !

I am not sure now if that is not "overkill"

Regards, PilotTonny
Can you tell me how to wire the Avmap iv power cord up?

The cord has a RED, Black, and WHITE wire. I assume the RED is power. Black is GROUND and what do you connect the WHITE wire too?

DEAN 40449
White wire is not used

I can't remember what the good folks at Avmap told me but I DO know that the white wire is not used. I have my GPS "hard wired" to my RV-9A and it works great. I simply just snipped the white wire off. You are correct with the red and black wires :)

Good Luck
RV-9A Flying
My IV setup

First, sorry I missed this thread for a while


Right, I do see the screen better from the left than from the right, and it is mounted in the portrait mode. I can only assume that this is normal for the IV, but I haven't used any other than ours.


Now that I think about it, I believe we didn't use the white wire in the dedicated power supply cord. I was thinking about the "extra" wires in the data cord that are used to input and output data. I wonder if one of these will be the source for input when weather overlay becomes available.

Anyone have any idea when/how the weather overlay upgrade is coming?

Bob Kelly

(edited for spelling)
I was told the XM weather will be introduced at SUN N FUN. It may be earlier as they found it easier to incorporate then they had anticipated.

Dean 40449