
Well Known Member
Anyone flying with one of these? Are all the software glitches fixed? Problems? What do you like/ hate?
Come on Fellas.

I have been waiting for some response to this thread. Alas.
Maybe I will be the first to respond when I fly my AvMap eqipped RV-7 in a few weeks.
Avmap: good / Jeppesen: crap !!


Yes, I fly with an Avmap EKP IV! I am stil building my RV9A (empennage finished, wings in the jigs) so I use it as a "knee-board moving map" in our clubs C-152's and c-172's.

The Avmap is super, but the Jeppesen data is crap!! (for Europe that is, I do not know what quuality they provide in the states.) The Jeppesen data is totaly unreliable. I confronted a "Jepp-rep" at the Aero-Friedrichshafen with my findings, last year, but he blamed it all on Avmap. I found 1.500 foot masts missing in the data, reporting points being years out of date and even airspace not displayed!! The paper Jeppesen charts that we use for every-day flying seem to be pretty accurate, but the data in the Avmap is not the same! I asked them: what use is it to get a (very expensive) update every 28 days, if certain data is months or even years out of date? No answer! So I did not get any updates anymore. Hoping for them to get better before I spend another $ 50,- or more to get an update.

What I asked Avmap before I bought it, was why it costs only $1.500,- in the US and approx. EUR 1.800,- in Europe (approx. $ 2.100,- !!) while the thing is actualy made in Europe and needs to be exported to the US! Never received any answer on this from them either!

With regards to the performance of the Avmap itself: just one word: PERFECT !. I used it to play with on long trips in my car, so I could get to know all the functions before I went flying with it. I wondered how well the reception was even when passing under bridges, so I tried to hide the antenna under the seat, under the dash, etc., well away from view of the satelites: and gues what? I was not able to get it to quit! The only thing it would display is that it had to little satelites in sight to keep up vertical navigation, but kept up horizontal navigation without any malfunction or delay.

When I finish my RV9 I will install it in the panel and it wil be controlling the autopilot. With its big and bright display you are allways sure where you are (even if it is a bit hazy/foggy/cloudy, ....oh yeh, we never fly in these circumstances, right?) But for the time being, I will still keep the paper charts handy to check on the obstacles, airspace, etc. (Avmap actually say in the firts screen, after start-up, that you should do that anyway!)

I must also mention that the Avmap dealer for Belgium was not happy about the Jeppesen problems either and gave me a free $ 200,- software update, to ease the pain. (the Avmap now shows terrain altitude, real cool!)

AvMap Blackhole

I have also found that AvMap do NOT respond to emails. AvMap is an Italian company and they do not seem to understand ?Support? in the USA sense.

But I suspect the problem is partly caused by the fact that you are effectively dealing with three companies at once. Jeppesen (Chart Data), C-MAP (Catridge Manufacturer) and AvMap (Hardware).

I have the same problem with my Audi with a Seimens GPS Nav using Whereis Chart data. No one will take responsibility.

Jeppesen obviously supply Chart Data to C-MAP, http://www.c-map.com/ to burn on their Cartridges for companies that make moving maps; AvMap.

C-MAP began life making Sea (Marine) Charts, hence the name.
I had a C-Map Marine Cartridge in a GARMIN moving map in my 46? Nordhavn Ocean Going Yacht. The Map data was superb. It showed every buoy in Hong Kong, every rock and had very accurate tide charts. We sailed to the Philippines and the data there was also excellent and accurate. The service by C-Map was superb. You could trade a cartridge of one area in for a cartridge of another, through one of their (C-MAP) world wide agents. When it came to Charts cartridges, you dealt with C-Map the cartridge manufacturer, not the moving map Hardware manufacturer (Garmin or AvMap) and certainly NOT the Chart Data supplier, in our case Jepp.

So up shot is that the ONLY company that will take an interest in the Chart Data is C-MAP.

Unfortunately, the C-Map website for Aeronautical charts takes you to the AvMap website which behaves as if there is no life outside the USA. Maybe C-Map don?t know that the link is to a Black-hole website; AvMap.
It is apparent that there is Jepp based C-Map Terrain data for the USA, but I cannot establish if there is for Australia and will not spend the money on the Upgrade until I can get some one at C-Map to give me the information. It sounds as if the European data has similar problems.
C-Map Marine product is excellent. If they expect to make inroads into the Aviation world they need to start communicating with the potential and existing customers.
Existing users need to start hammering C-Map at http://www.c-map.com/

Peter JAMES.
Thanks for the input guys. I think I'm heading towards a low res 2000C. Sounds like there are still issues. I'd welcome any input form users in North America still.
I am intrigued by the AvMap display size and was hoping for more user experience here in the US as well. I am still a year or more before needing something so perhaps someone will have some info by then.

Like mine. .

Have it, have flown with it and am mounting it in my 9A. I haven't found any problems with the data, although there could be some I haven't spotted. It really looks great and is easier to use than a Garmin (IMHO.) Looking forward to the terrain and hope they add weather to it. If they add weather, it will be wonderful. However, I would guess it would take another input which I don't think it has. Don't really know what it can input in the serial cable, though. Not my area. . .

Bob Kelly