
Active Member
whats the best choice ?

I am doing a new panel for my rv9a, and would like to know whats the best choice for GPS and features differences. ? it will be installed indash.

henrique rv9
[email protected]
The EKP IV is a really cool gizmo. I had the opportunity of using one for my trip to OSH and it was a GODSEND! It was my buddy/co-pilot's and it would have made my trip MUCH more difficult without it (and him)!

That being said, I have another friend with the 296 and we use it often. It has an inferior display, but the menu-ing is ala Garmin... so you know how to use it if you are familiar with Garmin.

If you are not familiar with Garmin functionality and will be learning something new... I would say to get the EKP IV.

If you like and know the Garmin menus, get the 296.

Just my $0.02.

:cool: CJ
Better Do Some More Research.

When I went to Oshkosh I had planned to buy the AvMap. Found out it has trouble interfacing with the Tru Trac autopilot. Bought the Garmin instead. It also appears to have many more features. Putting it in the panel with a Gizmo mount right below a Dynon 100. :)

Winter Texan
Used in Anger

I have an Avmap in my -7.
It performs very well and I am glad I purchased it over the Garmin, but as others have testified, if you know the Garmin menus, a Garmin would be easier initially........... but you soon find your way around the AvMap.

My decision was based on screen size and that is where it shines.

However, if I was doing it again, I would probably blow some more dollars on a third GRT as the NAV function and menu are simply the best.


I owned an AV Map EKP-IV for a while. I found it fairly easy to learn the menus. What I didn't like about it was that for my RV-4 it wasn't any easier to view than any of the tablet PC's I'd tried. Also, if you're into instant support from the manufacturer go elsewhere. This is an Italian company and they do things on their own timetable. I also wanted to be able to easily download my track info after each flight and found this was either difficult or impossible. I can't remember which. :) I eventually sold it on ebay.