
Well Known Member
I need to update my AvMap EKP IV GPS for the new owner. What's the quickest easiest way to get this done. I don't think I have the cords to hook to a laptop so not sure about downloading updates.
Is there a source to purchase a new Card?
try the site?

I would suggest the best way is to go to Italy.
( not kidding) I tried for hours, unsuccessfully, to get the thing to update anything, in any way...in fact, I think I buggered up some things.

try avmap.us for the new data card, if you think your time is worth more than $145.


It's still not clear to me if they have ever updated ANY of the data for Canada, so I am not about to spend the money for nothing.

yeah, not liking the AvMap much in that regard, luckily I like the big screen, and the handful of airports I go to VFR, haven't moved! ;-)
I just updated an Avmap IV from the website a few months ago. I think it was $35. I didn't have a problem downloading. If its a really old Avmap, I think you have to send it back to them for a one time free software update before you can get the website to download. I think if you want to update it, the least expensive method would be to buy a cord to update the card you have.
Thanks I see e is a download available, but didn't know if that is what need. Also finding the correct card reader
Updating your AVMAP IV

Hello Brian

Updating your AVMAP IV is fairly strait forward if you take your time and back yourself up.


''9. How to update the software?
In order to update your EKP you need a CF reader, you cannot update your CF without it.
First of all download and unzip the update files from our support section.
Enable the show of hidden files. Create on your Desktop the folder 'Old CF'* and copy in it all the files from the CF (is the backup folder if something goes wrong).
Omit to copy the 'CHARTS' folder. Create on your Desktop the folder 'New CF' and copy in it the same files you copied in 'Old CF'. Replace the files format swx in 'New CF' with the ones you downloaded from internet. Ovewrite the files in the cF with the ones in 'New CF' (do not touch the CHART folder).
Turn on the EKP and verify: if the procedure was correctly executed. If not, reinstall in the CF the files from* 'Old CF' and repeat the procedure.
NOTE! : this procedure can delete all user marks from the RAM. Save them first in the CF* with File Manager

If you have a problem, call them and the girl ( Sorry can't remember her name) is very nice and helpful and will talk you thru the steps..

Good luck

[email protected]

P.S: Here a link to the download page:

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Thanks I see e is a download available, but didn't know if that is what need. Also finding the correct card reader

I forgot about that, I had to buy a card reader that would accept the Avmap card and had a USB connection for the computer on the other end.