John Courte

Well Known Member
I'm about to order my entire avionics suite, and I'm faced with a fairly serious dilemma, and that is, do I splurge for a used GNS430W and make my interior out of cast-off sofa cushions (I'm near a college, should be plenty of them streetside), or do I back off and go with the MGL V10 and a KNS80 nav, and get the nice interior from Classic Aero? Or get an SL30 and the Sportsman interior from Classic?

The mission ranges from the local burning of holes in the sky to flying a long XC back to Michigan to give my Dad some stick time. Most will be regional trips to various West Coast wineries, B&B's, and little airports in our search for our country retirement property.

With that in mind, does the KNS80 (available for ~$700 on Fleabay) have an OBS knob on the unit or do I need an external CDI for it to work? The other option is a used MK12D or KX155. I was hoping MGL would have the remote comm and nav modules available by now, but that won't happen until OSH2011, apparently.

I know it's ultimately down to personal preference and funds, but what would YOU do?
Which is REQUIRED for the type of flying you plan to do.

Which is easier to add later.
The interior is MUCH easier to replace at a later date than messing with the panel / Avionics. Thus, my $.02 worth is build the panel the way you want it while you are building and do the interior later.
panel first

Get the panel you want. wire everything in that you want on the panel but only get the boxes for the things that you need to get the airplane flying. then as the money permits add the 430 or what ever is next on the list and all you have to do is slide it into the tray and configure it and you are ready to go. no RE-wiring needed.
I'll go with the majority on this one

Going with the best possible avionics to begin with should give you much more utility from your aircraft. With new GPS approaches being added with every edition of the IAPs, it really doesn't make much sense to move backward in technology. The KNS80 was a great instrument in 1979 (had one in my T210), and it did require a CDI. Yes, you'll also need one for the 430 (unless you're using an EFIS). Radios or interior? Which choice will allow you to fly more?
Terry, CFI
RV-9A N323TP
Sorry I didn't clarify the full scope of the panel in my original post. I will have an MGL Odyssey EFIS as my primary flight instrumentation and navigation system. Primarily, I'll be flying day VFR, but I don't want to limit the plane to that, especially since resale might be a factor-- you never know.

Minimum cost day VFR says to me:
EFIS with internal GPS

Interior means seats. The rest is fluff that either raises gross or minimizes baggage capacity.


I would not try to guess the IFR panel wishes of a prospective buyer sometime in the future.
Experimental avionics will certainly change by the time that event comes up.
If it is for your personal future IFR wishes, do your best at planning the panel so you can leave the space you need or even cut the holes and put blank covers in place. I think this would be mostly for back up steam since the avionics will again probably change by the time you upgrade.
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A sweet interior dosen't get much use if the plane is sitting on the ground for weather.

you'll get MUCH more return on that GNS430 in the long run, and when you have the cash to upgrade the interior it will be

1.) cheaper than upgrading the panel
2.) faster because you won't have to save as much cash
3.) easier than ripping apart the panel and redoing everything

I say go for capability and upgrade the interior later... it'll be easier/cheaper/faster than doing it the other way.
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to go with the GNS430 and a basic interior. I want to be able to fly IFR once I get my ticket, and hopefully get my IFR ticket in this airplane. Nav antenna is already in the wingtip and I have a heated pitot installed. I'm still working out a backup plan for what happens if the EFIS tanks, just some basic redundancy that doesn't cost too much.
If you are going the MGL route add their A/P as well or for a backup EFIS add the baby Dynon D6.

If you do not have an AP for SP IFR.......get one!

Any of the majors make good gear, just have a sensible backup plan. A second radio even if hand held. A second nav say a gamin handheld or the MGL with built in.

The GNS430W is the way to go.
I'll add my voice to the 430 crowd. I started without either; now I have both. It took about a day to add the interior, and not a hard day at that. Tearing into the panel was a pain that took days. It would have been MUCH easier to do it while I had better access, and the 430 does offer some of the "stuff" you really need. If you are only going with one gps, make it the 430 and save a couple AMUs ($1000s.) The 430 will drive your AP (you do have an AP, don't you?) It may save buying a com also--use a hand-held for your second. You can even have GS on one! Give Stein a call for a better answer...


I do have AP, Trio Gold Standard pitch and roll servos to be driven by the MGL Odyssey EFIS, both installed already. That EFIS can display a CDI as well, driven by the 430.

I've also found a couple of threads on here re seat fabric, and my wife assures me she can sew seats (degree in fashion design and a pretty beefy sewing machine), so now I just have to find a good source for material. There have been a couple of threads on VAF to that effect, I'm looking at options now.