BCP Boys

Well Known Member
I'm about to add a heated pitot/AOA to my G3X Touch system. I'm mainly doing this to be able to take my IFR check ride in my -7. So, I was thinking that if someone around the ATL would not only be able to do a Pitot/Static check for me, they may even do the install for me for a fair price. I've missed up my knee in the past week and can't get tight places like squatting in the cockpit running pitot and static lines. I'm getting surgery next week and would be nice to have the plane in a shop while I recover. So mainly looking for a shop that can not only do the certifications on the Pitot/Static as well as Transponder check, but hopefully someone that is familiar with the G3X system and willing to work on experimental. I know I can always go down and see my friend Jesse and he will help me out but I was hoping to get this done locally.

I wasn't sure that Vic had equipment to do the Transponder, Static/Pitot certs. I'll have to call him or maybe he'll see this post.

Avionics Shops

My first go-to shop is Renrag Aviation at Thomaston Airport. David Garnder is good to work with. Second would be On the Beam Aviation at Hampton GA. Sam Nipper is also a good tech. That being said, both are starting to get backed up. Sam just helped me out with a Lynx install. I heard that a lot of avionic shops are already getting booked for 2019 for the certified stuff.

2019 may be a good year for the non-certified avionics folks.
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Yep. Dave Gardner at Rendrag works (KOPN). I don't have the equipment to certify.

John Stark in Columbus works, too.

I?ve been going to Stark for over 10 years. He?s great and will work with you if you have any leaks. He?s doing a GDL-82 installation on our Bonanza next month.
Thx Walt. Yes you are correct. I should have been more clear. I need to get my Pitot/static check done as well as my transponder check before my check ride and wanted to get that done after I install the new heated Pitot tube so I wouldn't have worry about getting the new checked.

Jerry thanks for the info. Means a lot coming from you that you take your stuff to Stark.

Happy Holidays everyone.
Thx Walt. Yes you are correct. I should have been more clear. I need to get my Pitot/static check done as well as my transponder check before my check ride and wanted to get that done after I install the new heated Pitot tube so I wouldn't have worry about getting the new checked.

Jerry thanks for the info. Means a lot coming from you that you take your stuff to Stark.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Actually there is no leak check requirement on the pitot system of an unpressurized aircraft. The term "P-S check" is a common term in the context of an IFR cert, but the "P" does not apply to non-pressurized aircraft.
Thx Walt. Yes you are correct. I should have been more clear. I need to get my Pitot/static check done as well as my transponder check before my check ride and wanted to get that done after I install the new heated Pitot tube so I wouldn't have worry about getting the new checked.

Jerry thanks for the info. Means a lot coming from you that you take your stuff to Stark.

Happy Holidays everyone.

You?re welcome. I hope you get it all worked out. Please let me know if you need some transportation assistance!